CHAPTER 17 "Blowing off steam"

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Once I get home I put on some work-out shorts, shoes, sports bra, and throw on a tank top over it. I grab my bag, run downstairs and out the door. Still a bit peeved. I jog down the sidewalk thinking 'Thank God we live so close to a gym'.

I walk in scanning my membership card, I head to the punching bags. When I get there I toss my bag on a bench getting a few stares from the men that are occupying the area. Including one throwing some pathetic punches at a punching bag.

It's mostly guy's here, but it's so close and cheaper. Plus I don't really care, I normally come with the pack for weight training.

I take off my tank top earning all their stares "What, you lameos never seen a bra before?" I say sassily not in the mood. ' Probably the most action they have gotten' My wolf snickers.

I get my kick boxing gloves out putting them on, and step up to a punching bag. I throw a solid punch at it making it sway.

"Easy there princess, don't hurt yourself" says pathetic punch guy, cocky, stepping up to me.

I let out a laugh "I think I'm good, but you looked like you could have used some help though" I smirk.

The guys let out a 'oh'. He looks hurt for one second but then says "Yeah, right I can throw a better punch than you, princess"

He takes a step closer trying to stare me down, but I give him a bored look.

He obviously doesn't know he is challenging a Alpha.

"Keep telling yourself that. I would challenge you to a fight, but you might get your man pride hurt" I say trying to take his ego down a notch.

He looks like I slapped him. Yes mission accomplished, man pride wounded.

"You better be able to back that up, princess" he says with a hurt ego.

Have I mentioned how I hate to be called princess? I like to think I'm more beast than beauty.

"I challenge you to a fight" he says his ego returning. He is so lucky I want to fight.

"Your on" I think ' Oh, no, we have a case of returning ego'.


We stand in the ring and I have a primal smirk on my face. He friends are trying to get him pumped up, I'm trying not to laugh as they make bets.

One of his friends volunteers to be the referee. He stands in the middle as me and my opponent face each other. He winks at me before making us shake hands.

His brown eyes meet mine. "Do you want street fighting or formal ?"

My opponent mumbles 'Formal'.

I smirk "Street"

He nods before raising his arm. Brown's eyes winks at me again. Must have something in his eye.

His arm drops. "Fight!"

I smirk as we begin to circle each other. "You can't beat me, I'm bigger, stronger, and faster than you." he says trying to get in my head.

That's what he thinks.

"Don't expect me to take it easy on you because your a girl" he says smugly.

"I don't" I say doing a fake out punch. (Which is where you almost punch them I the face, but you hit them with your forearm in the side of the head).

My throw hits it's mark making him wince, glaring at me.

"Don't expect me to take it easy on you because your a boy" I say cocky.

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