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Dominic is at the top ;)

My eyes snap open and I feel the damp moss squish beneath my body. I glance down at myself looking like I took a bathed in blood. I look around frantically and find a coyote torn to shreads. I sigh 'good I didn't hurt anyone, except Aries '.

My wolf pushes forward but I shove her back. The pain from being away from him is unbearable. More tears come from my eyes.

My wolf pushes again and I let her. I hide in my head letting her take control.


We run after the last of his scent but it leads to a dead end. I let out a grunt. She feels a sharp pain in our chest and we drop to the ground. I howl out in pain.

I shift again into human form gasping for air. I scream as more pain comes, the connection burning refusing to fade. It feels like fire under my skin. Every burn trying to break the connection, only reinforces it. Like it's tearing itself apart only to rebuild over and over.

My wolf pushes again. She is mad at me for hurting Coda and Aries. But she hates to feel me in pain.

I growl as my claws and fangs start to come through. Something snaps behind a tree. I smell that humanly sent mixed in with burnt flesh.

A animalistic snarl comes from my mouth. Dominic steps out from behind the tree I heard the snap from.

I growl at him as his eyes fill with concern. "Leia, calm down"he says carefully.

He takes a step closer making my wolf growl. I scream when my wolf pushes harder than ever. I shove her back harshly, she wants to protect us from the hunter.

We didn't need protection from Dominic, I felt that strange pull to him again. I feel safe.

"Leia... you don't want to hurt me, right?"he says softly.

I nod my head taking deep breaths. My muscles shake furiously as I push myself off the ground. I sit up looking at Dominic. With a shaking hand I wipe the blood from my mouth.

" W-what's happening t-to me?" I say breathlessly.

"Your going rogue Leia. You need to calm down." Dominic coaxes me.

"I don't need to coaxes like a child!" I snap my eyes blue, teeth bared, and claws coming out.

" Just listen to me you stubborn ass Alpha!!!! If you don't get a grip you will never be able to see you family or pack again!" Dominic says sternly.

I clench my jaw a push back with all my might and take a shaky breath.

"I-I'm better now. T-Thanks"I stutter still shaking furiously.

He takes a step closer to me carefully making sure it's okay. I nod my head letting him know it's okay. My breaths are still shaky, I have never had this happen before.

Dominic sits next to me carefully. I close my eyes.

"What happened?"he asks quietly.

"Aries"is all I get out before I get light headed.

I fall into Dominic's lap and start to shake more. He pulls me into a hug. I hang on to him for dear life as he pulls me into his lap fully. I wrap my arms around his neck putting my head on his chest.

I felt okay now, some what. Silent tears still stream from my eyes.

He whispers in my ear "It's okay"

I rub my cheek against his to show thanks and friendship.

He smiles making me get a warm fuzzy feeling in my belly. I blackout.

Wolf Girl(Book One In The Wolf Girl Series)Where stories live. Discover now