CHAPTER 11 "Friends again and new beginnings

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After lunch...

I sit down in my normal seat and glance at Coda. He can't even look at me, that hurts. My wolf whimpers. He wouldn't even talk to me at lunch. I listen to the lesson and try to get my mind off of everything.

Before this whole school thing everything was fine, I was all about the pack, and Coda was talking to me. But there was no Aries.

I look up and everyone stares expectantly, the teacher must have asked a question.

"I sorry I wasn't listening" I say truthfully, everyone chuckles. The teacher nods and I sink in my seat.

I'm so ready for this day to end. I'm hating how I left things with Coda, I should've just told him the truth. Yeah, he would've been mad but we would work it out like always. The bell rings bringing me back to reality. I'm going to apologize.

I walk out and head straight for Coda's locker. He's already there, he closes the door.

And we both say "I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry about?" Coda asks.

"I'm sorry I should've told you the truth" I say starting to tear up.

"And I'm sorry I shouldn't have blown up like that, a beta is supposed to help the Alpha not make their life harder. And and I shouldn't have brought up Alex" he says pulling me in for a hug.

I cringe when he says his name but, hug him back pushing back my tears.

"I'm so sorry Coda" I choke out.

"I'm sorry too, I forgive you if you forgive me" he says sweetly.

"I forgive you" I say hugging him tighter.

"And I forgive you too buttercup" he says kissing my cheek.


After that whole fiasco, I'm so happy to be walking home. All this drama is wearing me out, I think as I yawn. I walk up to my house and walk in. I throw my back pack on the couch and face plant with a sigh.

Then my mom comes down stairs and says "Leia, would you mind helping me pick up the pack's serum".

"Sure, Mom" I say muffled by a couch pillow, getting up.

"Thanks" she says walking out the back door toward the woods. I sigh following her.


Once we get to the edge of the woods my mom changes into wolf form with her bright blue eyes like mine, and her gray fur. (My brother had my mom's fur and my dad's brown eyes, I got dad's black fur).

After we run for a little while I realize that we aren't in our territory any more, and I smell a strong sweet sent. I think we are in the fairyland, then I see a sprite flutters by. Yep,bdefinitely in the fairyland, why are we here?

We come up to a little village, all the houses are made out of wood like little huts. My mom stops and turns into human form and I do the same giving her a questioning look.

She just smiles and walks toward a little hut with a sign that says 'Potions', this is so weird. I follow her it to the hut my senses on high alert, we walk through a purple silk curtain. I oddly become relaxed as I breath in lavender and vanilla.

I look around and see lots of bottles with different color liquids in all of them, all very neatly put away on shelves. I also see dried herbs, some beautiful jewelry, and a lot of pointy eared people in strange clothes,btheir all looking at me and begin to whisper.

I stand still like a deer in headlights. As my mom walks to a wooden counter with a pointy eared, brown haired, woman behind it and says

"Hey, Jody I'm here to pick up the pack's serum".

It's funny I feel like I've met her before.

"Hey, Becky it's almost done my daughter is making this batch. How's Patrick?"

"He's good. How's Ron?"

"He's great" she says with a quick glance at me, with her silvery gray eyes.

"Oh, how rude of me this is my daughter Leia" mom says motioning me to come over.

I reluctantly walk over and say "Hi".

"Hi, I'm Jody and you must be the new Alpha I've heard so much about" she says shaking my hand.

They talk about me in the fae lands, strange.

"Yes I am" I say proud, I hear a few gasps from the peanut gallery.

I glance back at the fae people feeling very uncomfortable. I look at a short man with blush pink hair and gray eyes and he quickly hides behind a shelf, shaking a little. What exactly have these people heard? I'm not going to hurt them.

"It's a honour to meet you" she says studying me. What is going on around here?

"Why don't you come in the back with me?" She says opening the little doors on the side, leading us to the store room.

We walk up to a small table with a few chairs and a fresh pot of tea with little cups.

"Please sit" Jody says. I sit and so does mom, Jody pours us some tea and I mumble a thank you.

"So, I could sense your discomfort would you like me to explain" Jody says.

"Yes I would" I say.

"Well, all of the supernatural world has heard about you and how much you have accomplished. And how well you run your pack" she says smiling.

"So all of the supernatural world has been keeping tabs on me, why?" I ask.

"When your sibling and his mate were killed it drew a lot of attention. So the order of the light has been watching you very closely, they didn't intervene. They wanted to see how you would handle it." Jody says so politically.

I just stare at her, how have I not been able to see it. That's why I keep getting a strange feeling that I'm being watch, I feel it when ever I'm with my pack, it started when James died.

"And how do you know all of this?"I ask.

"My husband is in the order of the light. He told me that the rogue wolf was working for destruction, trying to take over your pack." My jaw drops.

"So, let me get this straight. Alex was trying to take over my pack for destruction" I say confused and quite frankly pissed off.

She just nods "Why would destruction want my pack?" I ask.

"Because your pack is one of the stronger and larger packs. And you will be a great allie to the order of the light, when the ultimate war strikes"

I just stare at the crazed fairy, this is a lot to take in. It's like hi nice to meet you, and by the way you and your pack are pawns for the order of the light. And how did she know I was uncomfortable? And what the heck is a ultimate war?

"And what exactly are you?"I ask voicing my thoughts.

"I'm a potion fairy, we are very good with potions and we can sense emotion. My daughter is my apprentice" she says smiling.

I nod then some one walks in and says "Mom the pack's serum is ready".

That voice, I look up from my lap and see the last person I expect to see....

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