just the beginning

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"How do you like the house Marlene." Asked Rebecca. I couldn't say I didn't like it cause well, she picked it out. "I love it. We could throw so many parties here ." Rebecca's birthday was coming up and I still had to buy her a gift. "Becky, me and jazzy are gonna go to the mall and buy some stuff for the house". I told her. "Ok do you want me to go with you?"
"no it's fine." I told her. I took jazzy cause she knew exactly what Becky wants .She could be so picky. I had to pick out a right skirt to go with her skin tone and the right shirt to go with it plus shoes. And Jazzy went to look for some decorations for the house. When I finally found the perfect outfit for Becky I found some shoes to go with it. I found Jazzy in the pictures lane and I saw a beautiful rose picture. I had to get it for the house cause my mums name was Rose. When I saw the picture I broke down in tears. "Marlene, Marlene what's wrong ". Jazzy asked shaking me. "That picture" pointing to it. "What you don't like it."
"No I love it it's just it reminds me of my mum. I must have it ". I ran up to the picture and touched it. It's so beautiful like her ". Tears were streaming down I couldn't help it.
"You know what,I'm gonna get you that picture." I stopped and stared at her. She rarely bought me stuff. "Really". Still looking at her. "Yea it means a lot to you. It reminds you of your mum and I think that's important." I ran up to her and hugged her ." Thank you thank you so much. Your the greatest best friend anyone can ask for. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend." I ran back to the picture smiling and we went to the check out counter. We paid for the stuff. And hopped in my red car. "Hey are you hungry." Jazzy asked staring at the picture. "Yea a little." Looking for gum in my purse with my free hand. "Ok I saw this little cafe down the street and I wanted to check it out." I was smiling and I couldn't stop smiling. "Why are you smiling" she asked. "oh I'm just wondering were I am gonna put that beautiful picture in the house." I glanced at it when we stop at the red stop light." Call Becky and tell her we will be there in 5 minutes.And we are gonna go out to eat to that cafe." She took out her phone really fast and called Becky. "Becky said she'll be ready in 3 minutes." She said smiling. "Is it three minutes are three hours". We both laughed and then we came across another stop light. "I hope Becky likes what I bought her." Smiling at the bag.
"Oh shoot I forgot to get her something." She said stomping her foot on the ground. "It's fine I have this bracelet that I never opened and I saw her eyes on it. You could just give her that." She looked at me relieved." Thank you Marlene ." I looked at her and nodded. "We all know how Becky has a temper when she doesn't get a present from either me or from you. She expects a present from both of us." We finally arrived at the large house. We walked and I shouted " Becky are you ready yet ". She came racing down the stairs trying to put her left flat shoe on. "I'm ready" she said striking a pose for us to see. She wore a cute pink jumper."Hey I'm impressed you got ready before we got here." She rolled her eyes. " I was getting ready when Jazzy called." I looked at jazzy and she nodded. "Well who wants to eat." Glancing at the door. "I do I'm starving." We raced to my red corvette. " oh shoot" I said to myself. Jazzy heard cause she was in the front with me. "What, what's the matter." She said looking at me with her big blue eyes." I forgot to put Becky's present in the house". I said glancing at the bag. "Oh well maybe she won't notice it."
When we started driving Jazzy was guiding me to the little cafe. We finally got there and a nice short blonde girl guided us to our table. "How many people do we have here." She asked very nicely. "Umm three." She set us to a booth table which I just loved. "Ok ladies are we ready to order." She said bringing out her notepad. "Umm yes I think we are." I said looking at jazzy and Becky. They nodded giving me the signal to say it's alright. "Yes umm can I get the cheeseburger with a side of fries and a coffee please. I said handing her the menu. "And yes can I have the same as her but instead coffee can I have lemonade please." Said jazzy"And I'll have the same as well but a coke instead." Said Becky. "Ok I'll be back with your orders". Said the nice waitress. Then four boys came in with leather jackets and hair slicked back. I spotted one that catches my eye. He looked the youngest out of all of them. Jazzy nudged me and pointed at him. "What " . I said very nervously. "He's cute why don't you ask him out". I think he heard that and I blushed looking at my shoes.

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