The girl

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    Johns POV
     All I could think about was Marlene. I felt bad though cause I was with Jazzy. I had to ask myself a question. Am I in love with Marlene are Jazzy? I can't decide they're both beautiful and extremely just wonderful. But I couldn't go with me mates girl. That's not right to do. I'm gonna try to give Jazzy anther go and see if I feel something. Maybe it's just a little crushing I have for Marlene,I'm hoping.
     But her eyes,her mouth,her nose, her hair ,her body. It's all beautiful. I decided to go over to Jazzy's house. I told Mimi where I was going and she let me go. I walked to her house and knocked on the door. Marlene opened the door. Oh no I thought to myself. She looked beautiful standing there." John come in come in." Her voice. So sweet and gentle. No I'm with Jazzy. Focus on Jazzy. " thanks" I put my hands in my pocket and walked in. There she was on the couch. Jazzy she's beautiful." Hey hun what are you doing here?" I gave her a kiss and sat down next to her. "Just wanted to see you." She smiled. Her gentle smile.
      "Your so sweet." Marlene went in the kitchen to fetch something. Then there was a knock on the door. Becky answered and it was George. "George hello." Marlene came racing down from the kitchen to greet George. She gave him a long kiss. My cheeky self I said something. "Hey you should get a room." They stopped and looked at me. I made a face. I made Marlene laugh. That laugh of hers is music to my ears. She sat down on the floor next to my leg and George sat right by her side. "Oh I forgot the drinks." She ran back to the kitchen and I watched her as she went in the kitchen. I looked back at Jazzy and she looked beautiful.
     "I'm back." She came back with a platter of juice. "Who wants juice?" I leaned over and got a glass. It was filled to the top. And I spilled a little on her."ohh." She got up real fast looked at her top." I'm so sorry Marlene." She ran up stairs and George followed her. I put my hand on my head. Smooth John. I thought to myself. She came down with anther top. It was black and she looked so sexy in it. It was a low cut.
       She sat on the couch with her legs crossed and she was smiling and laughing. I looked over at the clock and it was 6:30. I better get home or Mimi is going to flip out. I got up and I felt a hand on me. I turned around and I saw Jazzy with her big green eyes. "Can you stay a little longer please." I gave her a groan and looked at the door and back at her. "Ok." I sat down and she kissed me. Her kisses are heavenly. Then I looked over at Marlene. Who seemed happy. She's kissing George and giggling. That's cute. And George looked happy with her. That's all that matters that he loves her and she loves him.

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