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We all were walking together but after a while we started splitting up. But first Ringo saw a girl. John new what Ringo was looking at and he nudge Ringo. Ringo nodded and walked up to the girl. He came back all depressed. "Ringo what happened " George asked. "She neglected me." We all looked at each other and exchanged looks. "Don't worry you'll get her". George said slightly punching him."what's her name". I asked. Ines diamond. He said day dreaming. "She is wonderful but she neglected me." He said putting his head down. "You know what how about you keep coming to the park and we will come with you. And see if she comes to the park daily. See if she's your type or not. Keep discovering new things about her."I was giving him an idea. He looked up at me and smiled. "Your right I'm gonna do it." We all smiled and kept walking. George had his arm around me like John had his around Jazzy and Paul had his around Rebecca.
We walked talked and laughed I felt so comfortable around George.He just always somehow made me laugh and smile. I truly love him and he loves me. When it was getting dark I had to go we all had to go home. We all had school. We were walking and John,Paul, and George walked us home. Ringo went home. But before he left we made and arranged to come to the park and we would back him up. After school. I gave George a goodbye kiss then I blushed cause I knew they were looking at us again.
Jazzy and Becky did the same thing. And my cheeky self I went "ohhhh it seems like jazzy,Becky,John,and Paul, are getting some lip from each other." They all looked at me and I shrugged and then laughed. George waved goodbye.When I couldn't see them anymore we all went inside. I ran upstairs and got my pjs on and brushed my teeth and my hair. I layed in my bed and drifted of to sleep. I woke to my routine of Becky waking me up by banging and got my normal makeup on. I put on my clothes. I put a white. T-shirt on with denim jeans . I tucked my T-shirt in my jeans and put my white tennis shoes on. I skipped down the stairs with my backpack and grabbed a bagel and had coffee. "Did you get your homework". Becky asked us. I remembered I didn't and ran back in the house up the stairs and grabbed it off my table. "Ready". I said. I drove off to school and I parked the car. We raced to all our classes. "Did you guys bring your homework"? The teacher would always ask. I stood up put my homework down and on went my day. When the day was over we drove home and I freshened up. I looked in the mirror to see if my makeup was smudged or my hair was messy.
I heard a knock on the door and I raced down the stairs to see who. Jazzy opened the door and I saw John,Paul,and George." We are here to escort you three fine lady's to the park." John said putting out his hand to jazzy bowing down. Paul and George did the same. I looked at jazzy then at Becky. We looked at each other and then looked at the boys. We took there hands and walked to the park.
George had his arm around me like how John and Paul did. "George are you hungry."I asked trying not to laugh. We all stopped. John looked at me in a worried kind of face. "Oh Marlene I think you relished the hungry monster in George."he said pretending to faint. Paul caught him. George made a growling sound."Ahhhh"I screamed running away. They chased me and Jazzy and Becky caught up with me. We all ran the boys chasing us. I stopped for a little bit to take a break then I looked back to see them catching up. I ran even more then I felt hands on my shoulders I turned really fast and lost my balance before I knew it I was on my butt. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Marlene." George said helping me up. I couldn't stop laughing.
When we finally got to the bench that we liked George ran to the snack bar and bought us all chips. I was surprised he really never bought us all something. When George was handing John a bag of chips he had his mouth open. Like as if to say "George your sharing your food with me".
"You better close your mouth before a fly gets in there." Jazzy shut his mouth for him and he turned and kissed her. "Thank you Georgie boy ". John said after kissed Jazzy.
"Your welcome".he said. He gave me my chips and when he was leaning towards me to give them he kissed me. I blushed because I knew the were looking. "George you better not swallow the girl."Paul said laughing. I laughed as well cause I thought it was funny. George just let it roll down his back and didn't care. We finally saw Ringo with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. John got and said "Are those for me oh Ringo you shouldn't have". He put his hands together and fluttered his eyelashes." No John those are obviously for me."Paul said reaching for the flowers. He pulled the flowers away and Paul fell flat on his stomach. "There for Ines aren't they." I said sticking a chip in my mouth. "Yes I hope she will like them there beautiful like her." He said staring at the flowers."Awwww " we all said together. I spotted Ines sitting by the tree. "Ringo there's your girl go get her." I said facing him towards her.
I gave him a little push and he walked towards her. He talked to the girl for a little bit. He came back with his head down low again. "She rejected me again." He said handing me the flowers. "That's it I'm gonna talk to this girl." George said.  He walked to the girl and talked her. He came back with the girl and she came up to Ringo and said she would go out with him. Ringo smiled really wide and said." Great we can go out tomorrow at about 7:00." He grabbed the flowers from me and gave them to Ines. I didn't mine she deserved it. She was really pretty. She had long black hair, average hight, and the most greenest eyes,and very tan.
"What did you tell her to get convinced to go out with Ringo." He looked at me with his dark brown eyes and I got lost. "I told her that he was funny,nice,and he was in love with her." He said the last part in a funny voice."oh George. Your too sweet you know that. " I looked into is eyes again and I think he saw all my sorrow. He slightly kissed my lips and walked to the house. I glanced at Ringo and Ines who already had there arms around each other. I laughed a little bit. We all walked to my house and George,John,and Paul stayed.

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