love is all around

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   Jazzy drove me to the cafe and she needed to take the car anyways cause she had to do some shopping. Jazzy dropped me off at the cafe and then left. I walked in the cafe looking for George. And then I saw his hands waving saying I'm here over here. I walked to the table he was sitting at. "Hey Marlene." Said George . "Hello George". I said. " please sit." He said motioning toward the seat. I looked and then I sat down. I couldn't stop smiling and neither could he." So Marlene" he said looking in my eyes. "So George". I laughed. "So I'm in a band". He said very proudly. "You are"? I said looking very surprised. "Yea we are called The Beatles. And I was wondering if you would like to go to one of our sessions." He said. I started smiling even wider. "I would love to come to one of your session." I said smiling. "What kind of music do you guys play". I asked. "We play cover songs." I looked at him for a long time and then I snapped out of it. "That's cool I love Elvis Presley, Ray Charles and little Richard." I stayed thinking of there songs. "Hey me too those are my favorite artist." I smiled. "So what's your favorite song from Elvis." He asked." Umm I guess I would have to say I like do be cruel." I said thinking of the song. "Oh that's a great song." I smiled. Then the waitress came. I got worried cause she was very pretty and George would like her. But he didn't even look at her. He looked at the menu the whole time and then looked at me.He ordered a hamburger and fries and I ordered the same thing. We talked and I realized that we had a lot in common. "Do you want to bail this place and go to my favorite place out of Liverpool." I smiled even wider that it felt my cheeks would burst. We went to the lake and talked. "So who's in your band." I asked." Oh it's just John,Paul,me,and Ringo. I play the lead guitar in the band." He said smiling. I smiled too. So dose your mum and dad live with you. He said looking in my eyes. "Umm no actually my mum and dad died about a month ago." I said looking at my shoes." Oh I so sorry." He put his arm around me and hugged me. I wanted to cry but I swallowed my tears. He looked into my puffy eyes and leaned down and kissed me. I closed my eyes and he shut his eyes too. When I pulled away to get a short breath. But I guess I ruined it. After, he walked me home and kissed me on my cheek. "Bye Marlene." He said. "Bye George". I opened the door in a complete daze and walked to my bed and flopped on it. Becky and Jazzy came in my room. "Marlene how was your date with George."Becky asked smiling. I grinned at her."It was magical."Becky and Jazzy sat down and I told them what happened. And the whole time I was smiling and they were grinning and looking at each other. They said "ohh" when I told them about the kiss.

George and me Where stories live. Discover now