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Marlene's POV
I decided to try to make something to eat for them. I went in the kitchen and looked in the fridge and decided to make them tea and biscuits. The biscuits were homemade. And I brought them out and I saw George's eyes get real wide. I sat them on the table and George grabbed liked two biscuits and tea. I had half a biscuit I wasn't that hungry. I needed to plan Becky's party. So I got a paper and pen and wrote a couple things down and secretly gave it to John, George,and jazzy. Becky was in her room with Paul I guess. Later John,Paul,and George left. I fell asleep on the couch.
Next week Saturday......
I got up early, before jazzy and Becky woke up. And made a special breakfast for Becky. I had made her favorite waffles, toast,coffee, French toast, fresh squeezed orange juice,and eggs. I put it all in like a buffet. She loves buffets. She woke up and she was so surprised. "You remembered!" I laughed and went to hug her. "Of course I remembered." After I heard a knock on the door. I went to go open it and I saw Paul standing there with balloons and flowers.
"I'm here for my love Becky." I pointed to the kitchen. He walked over and I heard a scream. "Paul ! " I walked in and she was hugging and kissing him. " How did you know it was my birthday?" He looked over at me and said."a pretty little bird told me." I laughed and went to go hug her. "Happy birthday girl." She almost had tears in her eyes. "Ok go get ready we are gonna go out." She had a huge smile and raced up stairs. "Paul,George,John, and Ringo know to come and set up right?" He nodded. "Yea so try to keep her out of the house and try to come back by 5:30 or 6:00 tops."
I was already ready so I just waited for Becky. I talked to Paul for a while and Jazzy came down and she was ready. "Is Becky almost ready?" She nodded and before I knew it Becky came down. In a cute little dress and her hair was curled. With gorgeous makeup. Paul's eyes got really big. I couldn't help but laugh. Then they started kissing and I went to get toast and I put peanut butter on it. "Ok are we all ready?" I asked. Becky went to the car and I said."No no no we are not going to drive today. We are walking." She liked that. "Ok." Jazzy frowned and then we started walking. "Ok Becky whatever you want we will get it for you." Jazzy said. I agreed to that.
Her eyes got big. "Really?" We both nodded. We started walking in town and Becky saw the first thing she liked. And went in the store. We started playing around with the clothes and acting like models. Suddenly a woman came up to us. "Hey you guys look really good with these clothes on and you walk perfectly." I look at jazzy and Becky confused like. "Please allow me to introduce myself I'm Patricia Boyd. But,everyone calls me Pattie." She reached her hand out for us to shake and we did. "I'm on an assignment. I've been looking for models and I think I found some." I looked over at Becky and her eyes got wide.
"Here's my card. Give it a think and if your interested call me or my boss." All three of us took the card and watched her walk away. Becky got excited." This is the best birthday I might become a model."
I laughed and shook my head. I had a look at the card it looked interesting. Should I do it? Mm maybe I should discuss it with George first. Jazzy didn't look to enthuse about it.
She wanted to be an artist instead. In fact she wanted to draw John a picture because that's what he loves too. John was very sensitive. I discovered that when he wrote the poem for me. Which I still have.
George has not discovered it yet. He won't discover it I can't let him. After shopping and doing other stuff she loved. I looked at the clock and it was 6:30. I gave jazzy a tug and she knew what it meant.
I acted like I was yawning and asked Becky if we can go. "Oh OK I guess. Thank you for a great day." I looked over at jazzy and smiled. I thought oh man its gonna get better than this.
We finally got home and I opened up the door. And turned on the lights. They all shouted surprise. The look on Becky's face was priceless. Paul came and gave her a hug and kiss.
I had called her parents,sisters and brothers. She was thrilled to see them. George came up to me and said,"What a wonderful person you are." I smiled and looked over at Becky who was having the time of her life.
I sat down at a table with John and George. We talked and laughed. The things that John was telling me was so funny. Then George stood up and said,"may I have this dance." I stood up and accepted it.
John's POV
It was killing me softly watching George and Marlene dancing. Could he hold her any more closer? Ah whatever. Jazzy appeared and I told her to sit on my lap. So she did.
I saw Marlene glance at me a couple of times,but I just ignored it. Finally the music stop and so did the torture. I played with Jazzy hair. So soft and brown. I'm in love with Jazzy.

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