meeting him

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When we finally got our food. We got a pastry. "Umm excuse me we didn't order this pastry."I said pushing it to her." Oh honey I know that young man bought it for you. And he told me its specifically for you." She said pointing to the boy I had an eye on. "Oh" I said blushing. I grabbed the pastry that jazzy was about to take a bit out of." Hey he bought that for us." She said whining. "Umm no he bought it for me and I don't want it." I stood up and took it to the boys table. "Ay George look it's that bird you were eyeing when we got in here. " said a boy who looked a little older than the others. "Shut up John" said the boy. "Thank you for you offer but I don't take food from people I don't know". I said pushing the plate to him. "No hon that's for you ". He said pushing the plate back to me. "Are you sure you didn't mean to give it to my friend Becky or Jazzy." I said gesturing toward them ." No hon that's for you". He said smiling." Oh ok thank you" I said picking up the plate and walking it over to my table." Well I see you kept it." Said Becky." Yea." I was wondering if he sent this over so I could come over and he could get my attention. Jazzy quickly grabbed the fork and ate the first piece of the pasty. "Geez Jazzy u couldn't wait to eat that piece couldn't you." I said reaching for my fork. She rolled her eyes and laughed. The boy came and passed by me with a large amount of food . Then CRASH he dropped it. I went up to him and help him clean it up . "Thank you for umm helping me clean this mess". He said smiling". "Of course" I said." Oh and my name is George, George Harrison". offering his hand for me to shake. "Ello George I'm Marlene ." I said shaking his hand. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me." He said looking at his shoes. I looked at Jazzy who was smiling at me and shook her head yes." Well, George". I said taking a pause.
"I would love to go out with you". I said with a little smile. He looked up at me with large smile on his face. He ran too his friends. And I could hear him say " she said yes John she's gonna go out with me." I started to laugh and he saw me and blushed. "Aww that was sweet of you." Said Becky." Well I couldn't say no." I said blushing. "You like him don't you ". Said Jazzy poking me in the side. "Shouldn't we get going we have school tomorrow." Jazzy and Becky agreed and we paid the check and left. When we got home and I ran upstairs with Becky's present and my picture. I wrapped Becky's present and hide it under my bed. I hung the beautiful rose picture above my dresser. When I was done I brushed my long brown ombré hair I brush my blond tips. And then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.I got into my PJ's and went straight to bed.
I had a wonderful dream about George and me. The dream was he took me on a walk and he were strolling along the river and he stopped. He turned to me and leaned down to me. Then the dream ended and I woke up to Becky's loud knock on the door. "Marlene wake up we have to go to school and your our ride." She shouted outside my door. I laughed and dragged myself out of bed I was in a complete daze. "Ohhh Marlene what's up with you." Said Jazzy. "Hmm oh no I don't want breakfast." I said. I got some coffee and ran up stairs."something is really up with her"said Becky."oh come on she likes George and she is like in love."said Jazzy."just be happy for her ok." Jazzy said flopping on the couch.
When I was up stairs I was planning out my outfit for tonight with my date with George. I put on a white skirt with black polka dots and a white lace top. I had my hair down and put a a white headband." Hey Becky can I borrow your white flats please." I shouted from up stairs." Sure just please don't get them dirty. And hurry up or we are gamma be late." I came rushing down the stairs. I put my flats on in the car. And I drove off to school with my two friends. When we got to the school grounds we parked the car. We all had the same classes together. But I just followed Jazzy and Becky. All I could think about was George,George,George,George. When we got to our first class we took our seats. When I sat down I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned around it was George. I smiled. "Hey"I said. "Hey I'm looking forward for our date tonight". He said smiling. "Me too". And then he walked off. I couldn't help but smile. I smiled all day and my friends new what i was up to.
They knew I was thinking of George. When school finally ended me and Jazzy went to 60's forever. And Jazzy helped me pick out a dress and a pair of shoes. Jazzy picked out a short black dress that flows at the bottom and a black pair of shoes. "Let's go in the car and I'll fix your hair and makeup." She said dragging me to my car. "Wait how are you gonna do my hair." I said puffing my it ." I'm gonna curl it since you have an outlet in the car." She said pulling the curling iron out her purse." Ok. But I just want my blonde tips curled ok." She rolled her eyes and said "ok madam I will do as you tell me." I laughed and she curled my blonde tips. Then she pulled out her cosmetics bag and busted out her lipstick. "Wow wait I don't want to have too much lipstick or makeup." She rolled her eyes." Your so picky. My gosh." I laughed. She put eyeliner,lipstick,a light layer of eyeshadow.and blush. Finally she put mascara. "Open your mouth"she said. "Why" I said backing away from her." It will make it easier for me to apply this on." I opened my mouth and she did what she told me. Then I was all ready for my date with George.

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