I think i love you

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It was an hour of me and john talking. We drunk two bottles of wine. He had cheered me up a lot. He was like my best friend. I don't know what I would do without him.

He was perky and funny and very fast he always knew what to say. I never thought I would have a friend like John. He is just amazing. I had fell asleep but accidental on John's shoulder. He gently laid me down on the bed and covered me up.
I woke the next morning with my clothes and surprisingly in my bed covered nice and tight. I went downstairs to get breakfast when I saw john in his bathrobe. I'm guessing he spent the night. "Get ready girls I'm gonna take both ya to meet me mum." I looked at him awkward like.
"Why are you taking me along with you?" He looked up and smiled. "Because I know she'll love ya. Both of p ya guys." I smiled to myself and looked down at my plate. I played with my food a little and finally ate.
I did what I was told and got ready I tried to look my best as so was Jazzy. She was praying she wouldn't make a fool of herself. I haven't looked so good in so long. This really cheered me up. John had went home and got ready himself.
He came back in a black T-shirt,jeans,a leather jacket,and his usual slicked back hair." Are you girls ready?" We came down and and John's eyes nearly popped out of his head." Wow." We smiled and looked at each other." Is there something wrong John?" Jazzy asked smiling.
" You guys are beautiful. " We both blushed and went on." Shall we drive?" I asked. "No need she's not that far come on."
We followed John down the street. He was right she wasn't that far. We walked up to bright hello door and John knocked on it. A middle age woman came to the door and she had a smile on her face. "Oh my gosh. Is these the two birds you were telling me about?"
Her accent was like johns very Liverpool and heavy. "Yea Julia this is Jazzy and Marleen." John was holding Jazzy's hand to show his mom the possession of his Jazzy. John's mom Julia invited us in for supper. We walked in and johns hand crept near mine.
I moved my hand and pretended to scratch my face. He shifted and coughed." Oh you girls are so lucky he is amazing with women." John got red." Bloody hell mum." She glared at john. He looked down and then back at us. I smiled and turned my attention back to Julia.
I spotted a guitar and Jazzy saw my face. She poked me and pointed to the guitar. "No." I whispered. Julia saw and walked over to the guitar.
She picked it up and handed it to me. I took the guitar from her and settled it on my lap. I started strumming chords. Then my voice came out. I was playing love me tender by Elvis.
John and Jazzy joined in on the song and we literally played a concert for johns mom. It seemed she liked it. "You girls have some voices." She said. I blushed really hard.
"Thank you Mrs. Lennon." Julia sat up and went over to Jazzy." Can i?" Jazzy nodded and Julia gently placed her hand on Jazzy's stomach. Jazzy smiled as she did so.
"Oh john you made a baby miracle in her stomach." John smiled and kissed Jazzy on the lips very passionate. "OK, OK get a room." Julia said making them break the kiss. John looked my way and smiled.
He knew I was happy for them both. "I hope you name the baby after me." Julia said. Jazzy smiled." Of course we will."
Julia smiled and looked down at Jazzys hand. "Miss Jasmine did my son john Lennon purpose to you?" Jazz looked at John and smiled she laughed." Ah yes he did."
She smiled." Ah yes my John always knows what to do." John looked at the wall clock. "Bloody hell we gotta go. We have to see Mimi." Julia made a sad face.
" It was lovely to meet you Mrs. Lennon." I said giving her a hug. She whispered in my ear." And so as you my dear." She hugged Jazzy and also whispered something to her.
Suddenly Jazzy started crying." What's the matter Jazzy. Mum what did you say to her?" Jazzy stopped John." No John I'm fine these are tears of joy." Johns tenseness settled down.
We had left Julia's house and went off to Mimi's. He was holding Jazzys hand so tight her face was turning red." John,your squeezing my hand too tight." That made his grip loosen. Finally we made it to John's aunt's house.
A small middle aged woman answered." Hello Mimi." Her face looked disgusted with Jazzy. "Hello John. Johns friends." She invited us in.
John still holding Jazzys hand again. She brought in a platter of tea. "So miss jazzy is it?" Jazzy nodded
"Indeed well what do you plan to do with your life, career wise." Jazz looked at John then back at Mimi.
" Well I actually want to be a famous artist." Mimi scoffed. "That's a horrible plan. Its not steady. You need to have a steady career. Like with John's dream he wants be a successful musician. But it won't happen so that's why he's going to art school on top of that." Jazzy looked down at her feet." I'm sorry madam." Johns face got red." Mimi how dare you say that to her. She is amazing at what she dose and doesn't need your approval." Mimi glared at John and the turned her attention to me."Miss Marlene what do you want to do with your life." My body tensed." I want to be a successful model and actress." She started laughing. "With that body of yours. Oh honey you won't get a job." John blew his top." That's it you can't criticise them like you do. You can with me but not these beautiful women." He grabbed our hands and guided us to the door."John!" Without looking back he said,"Fuck off Mimi." After we left. "I'm so sorry." John apologizing. "Honey its fine. I will love you for you and your family even if they don't like me." John smiled and looked over at me." I'm sorry about what she said." He brought me in a hug and whispered in my ear." I think your body is among amazing." That made me blush. I pulled away from the hug and he made a smirk. We went off to our house. From far away there was a familiar figure on my door step. As I got closer I knew who it was.

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