go now

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Marlene's POV
It came to that point were all our loves had to leave. It was heartbreaking to see them go. Since they gotta go they better go now. We took them to their fairy and and said goodbye. We've already said goodbye.
    They gave us our kisses and told us they will write. I couldn't bare to see their boat go, so I left. Jazzy and Becky stayed till it was out of sight. I waited in the car for them and finally they came. In tears.
   We all were in tears. It was hard but he had to be strong. They will be back in seven more months that's not too long. I tried convincing my self seven months wasn't long but every time it seemed longer and longer.
   We got home and jazzy dragged us to her room.  "What is it Jazzy?" She had a really serious voice and face. She took a deep breath and said ,"guys I'm -I'm p- pregnant.'' Our mouths dropped." How did that happen?" I said. My voice got really high.
    "I'm happy for you though." I smiled and told her we are there for her. "If you need help I'm here and so is Becky. Right Becky?" She didn't say a word just stayed there in silence. Finally she snapped out of it. "Y-yes I'm here for you." We tried our bests to comfort her. It was working to. She felt more confident.
  "Dose John know yet?" She shook her head no. "Jazz you gotta tell him." Shook her head." I know I know I'll tell him on the first letter they will send." We all agreed.
   A week later a letter came. She was nervous but she did it. "Jazzy you will be fine. John will love you even more." Jazzy put on a shaky smile.
    "What if he doesn't because I'm fat. Also I would be moody and always sick. '' I saw the anxiety in her face. "He will take good care of you and love you and your baby." I thought made her feel better.

    That night I asked her what she felt like for dinner. She said she felt like having a Cesare salad. Of course she got sick. She was in the bathroom throwing up her guts. I was thinking where is john he needs to take care of his child's mom.

     The phone had rang and I answered. In the phone was John. He sounded tired and really nervous. ''Mary,hi its John. We got the letter. ''

    I took a deep breath. '' Really and what do you think?" His voice got soft. ''I'm thrilled how is she doing? I can't wait to see her and then I can I have a family with her. Don't tell her but when I get home  I am  going to propose to her. But now I really need to to marry her. And I want her to meet my mum and Mimi."
   His voice sounded thrilled and happy. I heard voices in the back. I heard Paul's,George's,Ringo's,and an  anonymous voice. Female voice. '' George keep it down with her your girlfriends on the line. '' Paul's voice said.
   I felt tears swarming up. Ah now he can't he won't. I thought. "Is jazzy there can I talk to her please?" I called jazzy down and she looked very ,very pale.
    "John is on the phone and he wants I talk to you." I handed her the phone and left the room. I figured  that I will let them talk alone. I went in my room thinking of all the possibilities that could have been with George. In the background the female was laughing and giggling.
     George was laughing with her. Becky called me down to talk to George. "Hey honey." He tried to say real sweet like. "Hi" I said.
   "Whats the matter." He said. "What do you mean? Everything is fine." He still sounded unsure. "Oh I miss you very much." It was hard to talk to him knowing there was a woman there.
    "I miss you too." He was always caring and had that gentile sound in his voice that made me fall in love with him all over again.
     "We've already said goodbye. Since you gotta go you better go now. Before you see me cry. How many times do I have to tell I'm still in love with you. We've already said so long. I don't want to see you go since you have to go you better go now. Darling,darling  can't you see I want you to stay. Go now go now. Before you see me cry. I don't want you to tell me what you intend to do now. How many times do I have to tell you darling Darling I'm still in love still in love with you now. I don't want to see you go but darling go now."
    He was singing and I was so confused. "What?" I said. "Its a song I wrote for you." What a song I thought.
    " Really why." He paused then said " I thought it would be something you would of said to yourself when I was leaving." He was right when he was leaving I was saying these stuff to myself. Somehow he knew." Hello Mary are you still there?" I snapped out of it." Yes I'm still here."
   "Georgie come on hang up that tramp and come play with your kitty." I heard the unknown lady roll her tongue as if she was purring to him. "Who's that?" I asked my voice sounded more harsh than usual. "Oh she's the -."
    I hung up the phone not letting him finish. Tears streaming down my face. Rage burning inside of me. Jazzy came running towards me." What's the matter Mary?" She asked very kind like." G-George is messing around with anther girl."
   Jazzy's face grew serious. "He what!" Jazzy's face also grew red like mine. Becky came real concerned." What's going on?" Jazzy turned and told her. It only made my sobs grow more.
   They guided me to the couch and started to comfort me. It only help a minor bit.

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