Chapter 7

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Roger's P.O.V.

It was currently 7:45pm. I was sat alone in the bedroom on the edge of my bed, leaning forward, as I waited for time to go by. Tapping my feet on the wooden floor, it echoed throughout the room, creating virtually the only noise that could be heard in the house (apart from the sound of the shower running in the en-suite bathroom next door of course). It had been quite a busy day so far. The boys and I had spent most of it in the barn practising, recording tracks, writing; you name it. So stepping back into a quiet atmosphere always took a while to adjust to.

Anyway, I placed the cigarette I had between my fingers in my mouth and took a drag from it, inhaling then exhaling some of the smoke before continuing to observe everything in the room. I listened to the sound of the wall clock in the background; the rhythmic ticking strangely soothing. However, my daze was soon interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open, scaring me almost half to death. Brian stepped through the doorway, drying his usually wild but now flat hair with a towel, while looking at me apologetically.

'Sorry.' was all he said as he made his way over to his bed, which was opposite mine. As I regained my composure, Brian folded up a few items of his clothing putting them in a chest of drawers. Once he was finished and his hair was dry, he plonked himself down on his bed.

'Aren't you going down to the pub with Amelia soon?' he asked, looking at the time.

I nodded, smiling slightly, 'Yep. In quarter of an hour.'

'Hmm,' he replied, 'Well, if I were you I'd brush your hair first before you go - it looks like there might be something living in it.'

I chuckled lightly. He had a point, my hair was all over the place as I hadn't bothered brushing it this morning, so I would have to fix it before I headed out. Stubbing out my cigarette, I immediately took another one out of the packet and placed in between my lips, lighting it quickly.

'Take it easy there, pal.' Brian exclaimed, looking up from the book he was flicking through, 'I know you're nervous but there's no need to destroy your lungs more than you already do.'

'For the last time; I am not nervous.'

'I don't understand why you're still denying it, Roger, you might as well admit it. It's as plain as day.' he laughed.

I shrugged, refusing to answer.

'Look, I'm not saying it's a bad thing - quite the opposite actually.' Brian told, 'The nerves show that you obviously care about what impression you make, plus the fact you're genuinely interested in her. You know, I don't think I've ever seen you so sincere about a girl before. It's rather sweet.'

I looked down at my feet, hiding my embarrassment. He wasn't wrong, though. I'd never acted this way about a girl before, I was normally cool and collected but I was the total opposite this time. Hopefully I'd be okay once I got a few drinks down me. Glancing up at the clock again, it read that I only had 5 minutes left.

'I'd better head downstairs and wait for Amelia.' I told, getting up off my bed and making my way over to the mirror which was sitting on the dressing table across the room. I grabbed a comb and brushed the tangles out of my hair roughly; it was painful but it made me look much more presentable. Slipping on my leather jacket and shoving my wallet in my pocket, I made my way over to the door.

'See you later. Oh, and for the love of god, could you and the boys please not come and gate-crash like you normally would? For my sake?'

'Rog, you have my word. We won't show up uninvited, as funny as that would be.' Brian smirked, to which I just looked at him with a deadpan expression.

'I'm being serious, Bri.' I warned.

He chuckled, 'We won't, we won't! I promise. Now get your backside downstairs and go and have a good time and enjoy yourself. Just don't say or do anything stupid.'

'Like what?' I questioned.

'Like talk to her about cars for the whole evening.'

I glared at him angrily for his reference to last week, although secretly I was trying to hold back a smile myself. Nonetheless, I opened the door but before I left, I made sure I had the last laugh.

'Shut up, Curly.'

Amelia's P.O.V.

As I got ready for tonight, I found myself fumbling around trying to find my handbag, which I seemed to have misplaced. Great. Eventually, after searching in literally every corner of my room I found it in the most obvious location and where I usually kept it - hanging on the back of my door. Shaking my head, I grabbed it and swung the strap over my shoulder.

Returning to the mirror, where I'd spent most of the last hour in front of, I stopped for a moment and thought. Was the reason my head was all over the place because I was somehow feeling nervous about this night out with Roger? Why was I nervous? It was just a drink out at the pub; somewhere I'd gone out with other guys before. It wasn't like it was a proper date or anything. Plus I barely knew him, it wasn't as if I liked him in that way. Or did I?

Dismissing my ridiculous thoughts, I refocused my attention back to the reflection in the mirror and combed through my hair with my fingers, making it lie right. Looking down at my wrist watch, it told me it was 7:58pm. Time to go. I quickly put on my boots and took one last glance in the mirror before exiting my bedroom, heading down the stairs and into the lobby. It was a warm night tonight so a coat wouldn't be necessary, therefore I walked out of the front door and closed it behind me.

Patiently waiting for me outside was Roger, who was stood there with his hands in his pockets, kicking about the stones on the ground beneath him. He was dressed in a casual but stylish outfit consisting of a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt, trainers and a leather jacket. I felt my heart beginning to pound as he looked up at me, a bright smile forming on his face.

'Good evening.' he greeted, taking a few steps closer in my direction. I stood in front of him.

'Good evening.' I repeated.

He looked at me fondly and said with a hint of nervousness in his voice, 'You look beautiful.'

I smiled at his kindness, 'Thank you, Roger. You're looking very dapper yourself.'

'Thanks,' he chuckled, 'So, I guess we should head down to the pub then? I've only been down to it by car since I got here, so walking there should be different.'

'Yeah, let's go. I just hope we'll make it home in one piece afterwards.' I said, as we began walking side by side down the long driveway. He turned his head to look at me.

'Why? Are you worried I'll get out of hand?' Roger laughed.

'Depends - are you known to be a bit of a party animal?'

'Love, 'party animal' is my middle name.' He smirked, 'But don't worry, I'll try to be on my best behaviour.'


Hello everyone!

Here's another update for you all - hope you like it! The next chapter will probably be published quite quickly too because I actually know exactly what I want to write for that so expect to see Chapter 8 within the next few days. Remember to comment/vote, the support is much appreciated.

Thanks so much x

- Anna :-)

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