Chapter 18

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Amelia's P.O.V.

Roger and I sat there in the meadow for a little while longer, still chatting away and gazing at the view with the gentle breeze blowing in our faces. At one point, Roger turned his head to look at me, as if he'd had a moment of realisation.

'Oh, I was meaning to ask you something.'

'Okay, go ahead.' I said, curiously.

'The guys and I were thinking of heading down to Brighton next Friday; the day before we leave. And I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to come with us? Y'know, just for the day. We could go and do stuff, if you like - just you and me. I reckon it'd be quite fun. That's if you're not busy with work, and all?'

I couldn't believe what Roger was putting forward. The thought of getting to spend the day with him somewhere outside Rusper made my heart skip a beat. Could this finally be our chance to go on a proper date together? Whatever it lead to, there was no way I could refuse this offer, but I also knew I would have to play my cards right.

'So...what do you say?' Roger asked, eagerly awaiting an answer.

I smiled brightly at him, 'I'd love to join you on your trip to Brighton next week. I absolutely adore it by the seaside. I do have work on Friday, but I'm sure they'll be able to find someone to cover my shift.'

'Great!' Roger beamed.

'However,' I started, which made Roger's smile fade slightly, 'I'll only go on one condition...'

'Oh yeah?' he crossed his arms and grinned cheekily, 'And what might that be?'

'My friend Charlotte gets to come too.' I said, 'It's a strange request, and I know you've never met her, but she's been dying to meet you and the guys ever since you arrived. I've been waiting for the right time to ask, but I couldn't think of one until now. I understand if you're not keen on the idea, but she really is a lovely girl. I promise she won't behave like some deranged fan.'

Roger chuckled, 'Absolutely - the more the merrier. Tell her she's more than welcome to join us and we look forward to her company.'

'Really? Oh, thank you, Roger! She'll be so happy.' I couldn't help but show my excitement, knowing Char would be ecstatic when I told her the news.

'No problem,' Roger smiled back. He looked down at his watch again, 'It's half five. Should we think about heading back to the farm?'

'Yeah, we'd better go.' I nodded.

I turned my head in the direction of the horses and Jasper before getting up off the ground. Once Roger had gotten up too, we put our riding hats back on and collected the horses who were now grazing peacefully by the riverside. After much persuasion, Jasper got out of the water, shaking himself dry right beside us and soaking us in the process. We then mounted up and headed uphill towards the gate and along the track leading back to the farm.

The ride back home didn't feel nearly as long as the ride to the river. By this point, I think Roger was secretly enjoying himself, although he probably wouldn't admit it - I would have to find out. When we made it back to the stables, I untacked, groomed and fed Patience and Admiral, whilst Roger stood at the door waiting for me to finish. I looked up at him as I brushed Patience down with a curry comb.

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