Chapter 26

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Amelia's P.O.V.

Today was the day. The day I'd been dreading and had desperately tried to push to the back of my mind for weeks, was finally here. I felt sick when I woke up this morning. Physically sick. Which was only made worse when I was greeted by a similar sight outside my bedroom window to the first day the band arrived here - crew members and roadies rushing around with equipment. Although this time they were collecting it and putting into the back of vans to be taken away, rather than delivering it.

Because I couldn't face the thought of being at home before it was time for the band to leave - which according to my mother had been delayed so they weren't leaving until the early afternoon - I went about my normal duties on the farm in the morning as quickly as I could, ignoring the hustle and bustle around me, before jumping into my car and speeding off down to the village to work. There, I thought I'd be able to forget about what was happening back at home for a while, but it didn't make much difference as my colleagues soon detected there was something wrong without me even saying a word.

'What's up with you today? You're walking around with a face on you like a slapped arse.' Dorothy informed me as I brought through a pile of dirty dishes into the kitchen and placed them down next to the sink.

I looked at her, confused, 'What are you talking about? I'm fine.' I lied.

'Nah, you've barely said a word all morning. You didn't even say 'hello' to us when you arrived, and that's not like you,' she stopped putting filling inside a sandwich and leant with her back against the counter, 'Is it by any chance because your new boyfriend is heading back up to London today?'

My head spun around as I stared at the older woman in disbelief, 'Who told you about that?'

She scoffed, 'Amelia, we both know Charlotte can't keep anything a secret.'

'What are you saying about me?' as if on cue, Charlotte entered the kitchen, also carrying a pile of dishes and looking at the two of us suspiciously. Dorothy looked away and went back to what she was doing like we hadn't even been talking, as I just glared at my so-called friend.

'Thanks for blabbing about my 'love life' like it's some sort of juicy gossip, Char.' I said sarcastically.

She shrugged, 'So I might have let slip about your little date with Roger. So what? You shouldn't be so coy about it, Lee. You two are well cute together, and you know it.'

'Well it doesn't matter. He is not my boyfriend.' I told her bluntly, 'And probably never will be...'

'You don't know that for certain.' Charlotte tried to reassure me, 'Just because you have to part ways doesn't mean it's the end of the road.'

'I dunno, maybe it's best she doesn't get any closer to him anyway,' Dorothy crossed her arms, 'I mean, these rock star types - they're the last people you want to get involved with. Not to mention he'll be a distraction...'

'Shut up, Dorothy, you're not helping,' Charlotte snarled at her. She then turned her attention back to me.

'Look, I know it must be shit having to say goodbye to someone who you've barely even had enough time to get to know, but Roger really likes you, Lee. And I can see how much you like him too. You have a golden opportunity staring at you in the face, you can't let something like this pass you by. Just...don't let him leave without expressing how you feel, alright?'

I nodded, looking down at my hands, 'Yeah, I know.'


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