4 attempt to kill

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"Sonya?" I heard my husband Alfonso call my name from behind me, I turned around and watched him, "Do you smell that?"  he asked.

Stupidly I smelled the air around me, "No," I answered foolishly and Alfonso grinned.

"Me neither, start cooking woman." Alfonso spat at me while walking off on his way up the stairs. I was confused for a minute, thinking that what he said was meant to be a joke but I knew better than to think Alfonso can make jokes with me. I watched him make his way up the stairs with his chest high and a stupid grin on his face. 

Quietly I got up from the new couch that we bought and walked to the garage, a good search near the cars and I found what I was looking for... the gasoline. I picked up the carton filled to the brim with the flammable liquid and splashed a little on each of Alfonso's pride and joy cars but made sure to put a little extra on his Gtr that cost more than the mansion I used to live in and the car I drove combined.

With a still fairly full carton, I walked back into the house with a skip in every step and an evil smile spread across my face. Upstairs was silent and I took note of that, Alfonso was most likely getting high or getting ready for a shower, both took him a long time to finish. 

After a few splashes from the garage to the kitchen, I stopped and admired how beautiful my kitchen really was. Alfonso's mother teamed up with Amy and designed the entire room themselves calling it a King's Kitchen

I started the baptism of the kitchen with the marble flooring continuing on with the stainless matching fridge and stove then moving on to the tiled countertops and the island that was handcrafted from the bark of black timber. They were all doused in gasoline and left to soak up all the liquid.

Not fully satisfied I clogged the sink and threw a quarter inch of the gasoline in, the sink was big and deep so a good amount of gasoline had gone into the kitchen alone. I had to make the fire look like an accident or an uneducated mistake and the best thing I could have come up with was a recipe gone bad. I went into the fridge and took out a frozen turkey that I had intended to give to Adam a while back and popped it into the oven. 

 I smiled at my achievement of a 'perfect' cover-up and walked to the door frame of the kitchen, not quite done with the gasoline. With the carton still too heavy in my hand I threw the remainings onto the flammable fabric suite couches, wooden coffee tables, mahogany staircase, moving boxes and with the last few drops I made a path from the living room to the front door. 

I didn't want to use my beautiful pink diamond crusted lighter, mostly because I didn't want to accidentally set myself on fire. Reluctantly I walked back into the living room and stopped at the fireplace, one of three in the house, and picked up the long matched that we used to light the fires and walked back outside.

I lite the match and gently rested it on the path that I made to the living room and watched as the flames went up and followed the line. I couldn't stay to watch the flames drive to the kitchen or to make sure it got upstairs to Alfonso's room. I  secured my phone in my back pocket before turning and walking away from the house.

Outside was cold and snowy, not the ideal weather for my short pants and a spaghetti strap tank top but then again I hadn't planned to kill my husband on a snow day. I looked back at the house and watched as flames eat away at the house in large amounts. I could afford to set fires and shoot guns in my neighbourhood because of how far the houses were scattered. 

Alfonso liked isolation, so he could call his hoes up without his neighbours knowing what was going on in our house, and I liked it too. Every time someone came to try to kill Alfonso I would act like I hadn't seen the masked men run into the house, no one knew it was me who leaked our location.

Crazy AffairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora