Where are you?👍

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I lost track of Sonya as my wife, Allison, parade me around the party like her first place medal. I tried to pull away from her twice but both times she seemed overly clingy or persistent to not let me go, a part of me thought she knew about Sonya and me and wanted to show Sonya that she was in charge like some dog but the problem was that Sonya was nowhere to be seen.

I saw her friends, wondering around flirting with the mafia leaders and once or twice I saw glimpses of her brothers but as fast as I saw them they were gone.

Tony and his sister were gone by the third day of the party while their mother stayed and party her youth away. My father was MIA from the beginning to the end of the party as always. 

"Ryan, were you even listening?" Allison asked as she looked up at me with a big smile, I smiled back and nodded. 

"Yeah, I got to check something," I whispered to her as I tried to pry her hands off my arm. She wasn't budging, didn't even flinch when I started to glare at her. I was ashamed to say the thought of pushing Allison away and going to look for Sonya crossed my mind more than once and I almost did it too. 

Everyone that was at least an arm's length away from us stopped and watched us, I didn't need to look up to know that. The party had been so calm, too quiet as if the people who were expected to be wild and outlandish was gone. 

It felt like if Sonya was gone. 

Either that or her finding out I had a wife broke her heart to the point of being a normal person, that thought scared me but it was an option. She could have been kidnapped by one of my rivalling Mafia's or drag to somewhere in the house where no one could hear her screaming for help as one of those idiots did something to her or worst, she could have used the party as a distraction to run away again. 

All these thoughts pissed me off and it showed on my face, Allison took note of my anger but did nothing. As brave as the girl was it pissed me off that she didn't know when to stop her clingy behaviour.

Without warning a hand came down and slammed me hard on the back, so hard I stepped forward to get my footing again. I turned with my fist clenched ready to punch whoever it was hit me. Sonya's friend, Kaylee, stood behind me with dread and guilt painted all over her face."She's missing." she whispered very quietly. My thoughts went up in flames as I pushed Allison to the side finally getting her out of my way.

I was surprised Allison didn't complain and shout how much I was a pig for leaving and pushing her like that, she was overly calm as if she knew what was happening already. I kept the thought of her being too calm in my head as I let Kaylee guide me through the thick crowd of people. Everyone seems so distant, so fake. They were here for the free food and alcohol, they were here to kiss my ass so I don't start anything with them when I become the leader... If I become a leader.

The people around me had no face as I pushed and mosy my way keeping up with Kaylee. 

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