Sonya 2011...1

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I jumped a little when I heard a loud knock on my front door. I didn't have any guest coming and I wasn't familiar with getting guess due to my standoff personality, that was unless it was my best friend, Kaylee, but she was in Italy with her fiance getting her baby making machine on. It could have been one of my brothers but they were too young to be knocking on my door at three in the morning and my older brother had love in his brain, not me.

Finally coming to a decision I got up from my couch and grabbed a revolver from under my coffee table and edged to my door.  As I walked to the door in my track pants and bra only I debated lightly on if I should take the safety off the gun from now so when I opened the door all I had to do was shoot. By the time I had my mind settled on what I was going to do, I was standing in front the door with the gun pointed but the safety off; I was a fast runner...Ish and taking the safety off wasn't that hard maybe I had a chance of living.

"Who is it?" I singsonged, just because I was going to die doesn't mean I had to answer the door like a dog with its tail between its leg.

There was no reply and that should have been my first clue to go back to my couch and sleep but I proceeded, I moved my hand to the doorknob and slowly turned it - the slowest of slow movements is what I used to open the door.

At first, I saw no one thinking it was a prank from the frat house that lived right around the corner of my house but then in the corner of my eye I saw a figure move. My heart jumped into my throat as I whipped my head to the side to get a glimpse of the figure, my hand went up to the safety of the gun as I took it off.

The stranger in the dark hallway lung towards me knocking the gun out of my hand and causing me to fall back into my apartment on my ass. The person was big in weight and height - crushing poor me - as he or she laid on top of me. I half expected to have a gun pressed to my temple while this person asked me to tell him where all my valuables were or where my father was but he kept quiet.

"Get off of me!" I shouted as I try to get the person off of me, he reeked of my ex-boyfriend and that made me - surprisingly - a little more scared.

After a while the person listened and got off of me with a grunt, it was a male - I was sure of that now. I wasted no time to jump off the floor and run to the direction of my gun. My house wasn't big so I was supposed to be next to my gun in two steps but my gun feels like a galaxy away right now.

When my gun was in eyes view - finally - the man caught up to me, grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his chest. Instantaneously I knew who the stranger was and I never in my life wished more than ever for it to be not who I thought it was. Five years of getting familiar with those arms that hug my waist, five years of mesmerizing the smell of his perfume and five years of the best fuck of my life. I was surprised I didn't find out sooner.

"Lance?" I asked as I stop struggling, I could be scared shit less but just the warmth- of his arms were calming my fear, which wasn't good at all.

"Took you way to long to realize." He said as he let's go of my waist, when I was released from his hold I all but jump away out of his reach and to my gun.

"Do you not know what the words don't come back mean?" I asked. Lance was too busy staring at my bra to even hear the question that I just asked him, his reply was, "Yeah sure."

I crossed my arm over my chest to get Lance's attention but he just from my boobs to my stomach, the stomach that currently held his child. A dreaded feeling sank into my stomach and I feared that he found out about the baby.

"Have you gained weight?" He asked bluntly, I unfolded my arms and passed them down over my stomach. I had indeed gained weight, nice of him to realize but it also nice that he didn't know the reason.

"How nice of you to point out my flaw." Lance glared, his brown eyes angry but his expression calm. Flaw was a word that Pablo despised maybe it was because he had so many or maybe because had a habit of pointing out others flaws - I could never tell.

"You have a lot of... bad traits but your weight is not one of them."

Lance was a Spanish African American mix boy that grew up on a little island that went by the name of Trinidad, his mom was born there and so when his dad left they got deported. He had spent eleven years in Trinidad and when he came back five years ago he met me and we almost immediately got into a relationship.

While living in Trinidad he had to fight hunger, depression, people and on rare occasions himself. He called me his saviour, his chance to change everything and start rich. Only yesterday I found out I was only his way to start rich, he got his saviour and change with a girl named Jasmine who worked with him. Jasmine got his things burned and a new place to live without even knowing, I had the only thing that remained Lance's in my stomach growing and it was annoying.

"Just get out Lance," I said pointing at the door. He shook his head and step closer, in response I picked up the gun from next to me and pointed it directly at Lance's head, "now."

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