Hate so Strong

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Angry and confused I hung the phone up and looked at Richard lying on the ground, with my mind not in the right place the thought of killing him was undeniable. My memory was still very fuzzy about what happened but I remembered Matthew and Ryan coming for me, I don't remember Richard and being stripped to nothing but my skin. 

My body was weak and my mind... it didn't feel like mine, it felt off. 

Too weak to stand for too long I sat on the floor and allowed the cold concrete to seep into my skin and give me a little sense of adrenaline. My first priority was to find a way out of Richard's layer and back out to the public. My next priority was to kill the American gang, even if I have to pick them out one by one. 

Richard was a well-known doctor in the industry so he was bound to know at least one of my family members or even one of my friends. A quick search through his phone to show me how right I was. I wasn't sure if it was the Kaylee I knew but I still called.

The phone ran once, twice... "What do you want Richard?" Kaylee answered.

Too happy it took me a while to answer, "Kaylee," I whispered.

"What did you say?" Kaylee shouted.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Kaylee." I laughed.

"Who is this?" Kaylee asked cautiously.

"Sonya," my voice cracked but I wasn't sad, I was angry, "Can you come to get me?" 

"Sonya?" there was a weird pause then Kaylee was back on the phone sounding pissed, "I'm on my way, stay there." And then she hung up without a word.

Left alone again my mind went back to a dark place that I tried to forget, two years ago a mind like that was appropriate. I had a reason for being dark and wanting to kill but with florde and my father's death, there seem to be a completely new level of hate blooming in me. 

I wasn't ashamed to say that Ryan was on my mind, thinking about what he was doing and how I could see him. I wanted to see him and let him hold me, I wanted him to tell me everything would be alright and carry me to his bedroom. Did he see me half dead?

Did he try to bring me back?

When Lance did what he did, I got over it, started dating again, even considered the thought of falling in love again. All the while I was praying for Lance to die, if not by my hand then at least let me be a witness. Ryan gave me that peace when he thought it would have made me fear him, Ryan gave me the opportunity to let go of hate that I dragged in me for years.

It didn't matter that he replaced the hate with sadness soon after but he got rid of the hate and that was all that mattered to me. 

Thinking Lance made 'him' come to mind, what if he had actually made it into the world instead of being ripped out of my uterus before he even had eyes. What if I had killed Lance when I had the chance instead of letting him into my apartment, so much could have happened if I had just ended things with Lance the moment I realised he was cheating.

Ryan wasn't an issue, in the beginning, I might have hated him, and he treated me in a way that made me think about how much I didn't need anyone but myself. In a way the way he treated me made me love him... I shouldn't have said that but it was the truth.  

I had no say in the decision my tears made to come down my face on their own free will, steams of thick salty tears quickly made their way down my face. For the hundredth time I cried and it was just like the others. My throat closed up and my body ached for memories that were beyond my control.

Kaylee didn't take too long to find Richard's hideout and wasted no time in trying to find me in the most discreet way possible.

"Sonya!" she screamed to the top of her voice. I also heard the sound of things falling, metal hitting the concrete in a clatter of noise usually followed by a small scream from a girl. Before I could open my mouth, the curting separated and a stressed Kaylee popped her head through and looked around the room frantically.

When her eyes landed on me the tears started flowing.

"Sonya," she whispered softly as she comes to me on the ground, her eyes go to Richard on the ground not moving but she doesn't say anything as she picks me up and put my weight on her shoulder. I try to think of something other than killing but I couldn't, my mind wasn't ready to let go of the hurt that had soaked into my system.

I didn't wipe the tears from my face, didn't even show much emotion. 

She carried me out the hideout while explaining to me what happened while I was gone and what was being said about me while I was gone. As we went by I saw girls, young girls well into pregnancy waiting patiently to see Richard. I saw the fear in some eyes while others just outright showed their fear in tears or shivers.

Kaylee didn't stop as she continued to tell me all that Alfonso was doing to get me back and all he was doing to cover up his actions. According to Alfonso I was being raped every day by my capturers and was being dressed like a doll to please the men that surround me, I was also calling for him all the time. 

With what I just went through, what Alfonso did to me felt like a pat on the back and a few petty words but my mind still found a way to hate him more than I did before. I hated Ryan's wife for being his wife and Tony for bringing me to a place to fall in love with people I should have stayed clear of. Everything felt very unfamiliar and not real.

Carefully, Kaylee shoves me into a very suspicious-looking black car and quickly closed the door before running to the driver's side and getting in. When she was in she looks at me but I try not to look at her. I didn't want to see to pity and hurt in her still wet eyes, I might start to hate her. I felt everything that was in my past, beatings, shots and if I thought of it... the feeling of being rejected by actions.

Kaylee quickly realised that I didn't want to acknowledge anything and started the car. My tears couldn't wait for Kaylee to properly pull out of the driveway before quietly falling down my face yet again. My chest felt heavy with a gripping feeling to my throat, I held in the sob that was pushing to come out my lip. 

To distract myself I found myself looking out the car window at everything that we passed. One thing that quickly caught me was the lack of snow and the drastic increase in heat. The streets we passed looked unfamiliar, the people that paid no attention to us seemed a little bit more unique. 

I cleared my throat and pushed my tongue to the roof of my mouth to stop myself from crying, a trick I learned in assassin classes. Kaylee seemed neutral but she was still crying, if the place was quiet enough I heard her soft sobs.

"Kaylee," I called.

She looks at me for a split second before looking back at the road and wiping her face, "Sonya?" she answers calmly.

"Where are we?" my voice was harsher than I wanted it to be. 

"You see that's the thing, I was waiting until we reached my home before I told you."

"Tell me what?" I finally look at her in my teary naked mess.

"We're in Florida." 

And with such a simple sentence everything made sense. Florida was the capital for drugs, new and old, if they wanted to start off a new drug Florida would be the perfect place to start.

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