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I've been in the cave, as I call it, so long that I've done my natural hair into single braids going down my neck, even tried a few hairstyles in Lance's hair for when I want to comb my hair again. I changed into three different outfits trying to find one that appealed to me, and because while playing in Lance's hair his blood got all over me.

Not the brightest option to wear a white maxi skirt, which now had blood on the bottom, and a matching white crop top but it fitted and might help me seduces Ryan in some way. All my shoes were in my other bag so I had to suffer through with my blood stained timberlands. 

Entertainment for me consisted of folding over my clothes, playing with a corpse's hair and playing dress up but at some point all of that became boring, leaving me in a bored and lonely state. I had gone up to the blood-stained bed and angled myself on it so that I could lay down without getting even more blood on me. 

After a while of just laying there staring at the grey, dirty ceiling that stare back at me, I thought back to the days when Lance was still alive. A month ago he was just home with Alfonso playing video games while giving me sad puppy dog looks and the next day he disappeared from the face of the earth giving me the pleasure of not seeing his face.

No one knew what had happened to him and the idiot was so private with what he did that no one had a lead to start a search. Automatically everyone turned to me as a suspect for his disappearance but when they found out I had nothing but what Alfonso told them they backed off and looked somewhere else. 

Our past together wasn't a secret, I was single and marriage was nowhere near my mind when I met Lance plainly by mistake. It was the day of my 18th birthday so I thought I was a big Adult, I thought I could have done whatever I wanted but too soon was that little freedom taken away from me.

 That night at my ginormous party I met Lance and fell head over heels for his sarcasm and attitude. Within the first month of us dating, I moved in with him thinking he was the one and our 'love' would show my dad that I was ready for the world. 

The first few months of us dating was awesome, romantic and fairy tale worthy, a queen couldn't have felt as royal as I did. All fairy tales come to an end, mine was no different. Lance changed and I wish I could say for the best. He would come home at late hours in the night with perfumes lingering on his skin, I always wore men colonies so where did this perfume come from? 

At first, I thought he was just doing a few jobs because no matter how lovey Dovey I thought he was Lance was still in the mafia. What really gave Lance up was a simple phone call from work and a female answered. 

The mafia industry is very strict about all their leaders being male for some stupid reason that I cared less about, When the boss called on Lance's phone I picked it up; a little pushy but I had all right. Bosses didn't call their employees 'babe' and tell them how bad they wanted them in their bed before the employee even answers the phone properly. I didn't even talk to the 'boss', I hung up and sat there thinking. 

I didn't cry, I wasn't raised that way, I just sat there and took in the fact that the man I thought loved me was with other women behind my back. While I stayed at home being his perfect girlfriend he was out being the perfect player. It didn't take me long to accept the fact and get over with the hurt. 

If it's one thing Rihanna and Beyonce thought me it'll be that men are replaceable and after every show, they must take a bow. I stayed on the couch and waited for him to come home like the perfect girlfriend, I even debated on if to make him his favourite dinner. I remembered that night very vividly. 

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