Chapter One

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Chapter One

*Hannah POV*

I put the earbuds in and the lyrics of Lana Del Ray's song "Bel Air" fills my head. My long brown hair was tucked in my red beanie and my green eyes were hidden by my black ray bans. Reaching the school gates I see all the usual stereotypes. Entering the school hallways I see Luke and his group of friends. Everyone loved them and I never understood why. Everyone around the school acted like they were the most amazing people in the world. To me they looked like a bunch of fake people who got what they wanted when they wanted it without caring who they would hurt in the way of getting what they wanted. They didn't know who I was but I knew who they were and sometimes that was fucking depressing. Walking into my English class I sigh as soon as I realized that I has this class with Luke and the gang of idiots.

The teacher talks about meaningless shit and my mind goes to my home. England. My home, birth place, and where my mom rested. I wanted the snow, and the crappy England weather, for God's sake! I hated Australia. The hot stuffy weather and bitches caring more about how they look in a bikini instead of caring about eating or how they are using themselves. The bell finally rings and I rush out of that room and go to my next class. Biology. Sitting in my assigned seat I watch the old teacher make his way into the classroom glaring at everyone."Alright class settle down!!" Everyone goes to their seats and Mr. Owen starts talking about some project I could care less about. "In this project I will be assigning partners" everyone groans and boos. "OH SHUT UP YOU BRATS!" I sigh and wait for my name to be called. "Ashley Hood and Ashton Irwin. Calum Hood and Liz Hamilton." The teacher goes on and on until my name is called. "Luke Hemmings and Hannah Benton." Luke raises his hand and Mr. Owen sighs. "Yes Mr. Hemmings?"

"Who is Hannah?" God this was so embarrassing.

"Ms. Benton can you please raise your hand so that Mr. Popular can see who you are." I raise my hand and Mr. Owen mouths thank you. "Luke, Hannah. Hannah, Luke. We good? Alright let's move on."

After the hour class is done I rush out of the room."Hannah!!" I turn around to see Luke running towards me. He finally reaches me, for a soccer player he runs really slow. "Sorry for not knowing who you were back in the classroom." My ray bans hind my eyes and my red beanie hid what people love most about me. Well at least that's what my brother says.

"Yeah whatever. Can I go now? I have to go to study hall."

"Um yeah?" I nod my head and walk away with my head down.

I shut the front door of my house to see my step monster and my dad with a bunch of suitcases."Leaving again I see." I say annoyed

"Sorry honey but we'll only be gone for two weeks."

"Whatever." I go to my room and turn on music by the 1975. A couple minutes later my phone starts to ring.


"Hi Darling."I smile at the sound of my brother's voice.

"Hey Harry" I pause and I hear him sigh. "How are you?"

"Good I guess." He chuckles and then sighs again. By the sound of the voice you could tell he was stressed.

"You should be more than happy I guess. Your Harry Styles!!" he chuckles and then laughs.

"You ok? How's everything?" he asks with his voice full of concern.

"No I'm not ok. I hate it here! I wanna go back home."

"I know you do but as soon as you finish your fall semester your coming here."


""Yup. And we can listen to The 1975 and Lana Del Rey all day."

"And The Cure too?"

"And The Cure." He says laughing at my excitement "Darling I need to go but I'll call you soon."

"Alright Bye."

"Have a Good Afternoon Hannah."

"Have a Good Morning Harry."

"Love you little sis."

"Love you too big brother." He laughs and then we hang up.I sigh and tears threaten to fall out of my eyes. Just a Couple minutes later my phone rings again."Hello?"

"Hey Hannah? It's Luke."

"How did you get this number?!"

First Chapter!! Picture of Hannah on the side!!

Different Love (Luke Hemmings) ~Under Editing~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant