Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

*Luke POV*


          I hold Hannah's hand at the airport. She was going to England to visit family and I was going with the boys for tour. Hannah was angry because her sister just called her to tell her that Harry wasn't going to be in town when she was because he was going to New York. The boys were making Keeks and Insatgram videos.  Hannah would put on a fake smile and be on the videos.

 "I'm hungry!!" Ashton yells getting off his chair.

"Me too, let's go get something to eat." Hannah says getting off her chair and going with Ashton to get something good to eat. The other two boys look over at me and start asking me a bunch of questions. After the endless questions Hannah and Ashton return with a bunch of food for everyone. We all pig out and stuff our faces with the junk food.

            Hannah yells at the boy and me for stealing her food. Calum tells Hannah to shut up and suck it up. Hannah and the three boys were like a bunch of arguing teenage girls even though Hannah was the only girl.  Once we all board the plane we all get the trouble for making too much noise. The sassy person Michael is he tells the flight attendant to go fuck herself and that he could care less about what she has to say. He made the girl cry which ended up with all of us in the middle of France. Hannah yells at Michael and he yells at her which ended up with us not fixing the problem that we got ourselves into. We managed to take a train to London.

            Hannah rents a car and drives to Holmes Chapel her home town. She invited me but I told her soon because I had to finish some shows and signings. She understood and then told me that when I was ready to go to call her so that she could pick me up. After she leaves I go with the boys and the white girls we are we go to starbucks.

"White girls!" Michael yells as we enter the coffee shop.  Everybody turns to look at us and Michael gives them a smile and the peace sign. We each order our drinks and sit down at a table.

"I love my daily dose of white girl." Michael says taking a drink for his coffee. We laugh and then Calum clears his throat.

"So um, what's going on with you and Hannah?" he says.

"Not sure we don't really talk about that. Hannah is very insecure about us, because of what happened when we were both seventeen."

"You mean when you cheated on her? And then choosing some words that were very hurtful." Ashton says with a voice full of sarcasm

"Yes Ashton that time." I say angry. He puts his hands up in defense and Michael rolls his eyes.

"Well one thing is sure she looked so hot in that-"Michael sentence is cut short by two screaming girls. All of us get up quickly and leave the coffee shop. As we walk through the crowd of fangirls Michael screams and trys to run away.  I tell the boys to follow me. We all run until we reach Styles Enterprises. We enter the large building to see Harry there with a smirk on his face.

"I thought that you were in New York!" I yell.

"Luke Hemmings long time to see! Come on lets go to my office I'm sure Candice can entertain your friends." The blonde women smiles at me and the boys, I nod my head and follow Harry to his office. We reach his office and I sit down on one of the chairs at was in front of his large wooden desk.

"So Luke how have you been I haven't seen you in two years."

"I've been good, how about you?"

"Great , but if I'm correct your seeing my little sister again."

Different Love (Luke Hemmings) ~Under Editing~Where stories live. Discover now