Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven              

*Luke POV*

          The next five weeks have been nonstop of Hannah throwing up and having the worst mood swings. One minute she’s happy the next she’s threatening to murder me. I was sitting down at the counter top typing away at my computer. I was twitting back fans and writing an email for the Hey or Hi records. Hannah comes down stairs back from her nap and sits down next to me. She sighs and rests her head on my shoulder looking at the computer. She kisses my cheek and I grasp her hand in mine and gentle squeeze it. She sits down next to me and waits for her tea to be ready. We were in silence and no words were said to each other. Hannah seemed to be in deep thoughts as she was drink her tea.

“A penny for you thought?” I ask looking at my beautiful girlfriend.

“Alright, have you ever thought of getting married?” I nearly chock on my own saliva as she speaks up. She looks at me with thoughtful eyes and a confused expiration on her face.

“Well yes, but not soon, maybe in two or three years from now.”

“What if I told you that maybe those two or three years might change?” I’m very confused right now. All I understood from her is that maybe she was having a mood swing. Oh wait. Mood swings, throwing up, tried, cravings. Holy shit I hope this is some prank.

“Luke I’m pregnant.”  She looks at me with tearful eyes and I try to get a grasp of what she had just told me. I turn off my laptop and stand up. I look down at Hannah and then hug her tightly. At first I thought I was going to mad with her. Then I soon realized that she was the only person I wanted to be with. She was mine and I was hers; and soon she would have my baby. Hannah hugs back and barred her face in my neck. Pulling away I smile at her and kiss her passionately. Hannah and I now were going to have our own family.

            The next months were hard for Hannah but she managed to get through them. Hannah was now six months pregnant and didn’t have time for bullshit. The boys were sometimes scared to come near Hannah these days due to the fact she would beat their asses if they did something stupid. I was holding Hannah’s hand in mine as we walked into the doctor’s office. Hannah was right now calm and silent. This made me less tense and now calm. The nurse tells us that our doctor will come in soon and that Hannah needed to fill out something’s. As Hannah filled everything out me was seated in one of those really hard clinic chairs. I was texting Gemma telling her and Harry all the necessary detail. Harry, Nora, Gemma, Anne Grace, Step monster, Step Brother, and Dad were all coming to see the birth of our daughter and son. To make things more difficult my whole family was also coming from different parts of Australia to see Hannah give birth to our first child. Hannah’s family was coming in two days and mine in one day.

            The doctor comes in and explains everything to us. She squirts some jelly type thing on Hannah’s stomach and puts that wand thing on her belly. Just then the baby appears on the screen. I smile and kiss Hannah’s forehead. When we’re driving to the house Hannah was full of smiles and was rambling on and on about our son. Yes Hannah and I were going to have a baby boy. When we got to the house Hannah decide to make cookies just because she was craving some. I help her out and we both hang around listen to some music. Hannah was planning where her family was going to stay and I was talking with my mum over the phone planning where my family was going to stay. These next three months were not going to be very fun for Hannah and me.

            The next three months were really fucking hard for Hannah because she had to be on bed rest. We were at the store doing some grocery shopping when Hannah fainted and fell to the ground. The doctors told us that Hannah would have to be on bed rest or else she would go into early labor. I was sitting next to her while we were watching The Notebook. It was a really cheesy movie, but Hannah seemed to be into it. I had my hand on her belly while she was watching the movie. Hannah rested her head on my shoulder and ate some popcorn. Just then she lifts her head up and places her hand on her stomach right next to my hand.


“Yeah babe?”

“My water just broke.”

“Wait what?”

“My water just fucking broke Luke!!” I stand up and run out of the room. “You fucking idiot you need to take me with you!!” Hannah yells from our room. I run back and carry her bridal style to the car. I get her things and some of the baby things. Hannah told me to get the baby carrier so I got it and then got in the car. I was speeding to the hospital while Hannah was breathing hard. Finally we got to the hospital and I called the whole family and told them that Hannah was giving birth.

            The doctor said that Hannah had to wait for her to you know. The down there to be ten inches, well then finally our two families came. After two fucking hours of Hannah cursing out the world and our child our son Landon Jonathan Hemmings was born. I got to cut the fucking tube thing that was connected to our child’s stomach. Hannah carried him first and then I did. My mom was crying and so was Gemma and Nora. Everyone got to carry Landon and then left so that Hannah could get some rest and we could spend time with our son.

            Three weeks after Landon was born Hannah and Landon was allowed to come home. The nursery was done and everything was set for Landon back home. As were driving back home Hannah fell asleep and I thought about how wonderful my life is right now. When we get home I carry Hannah into our room and Landon into our room also. My mum bought us this crib type thing for Landon so that he could be in our room. That way when he wakes up crying at night we don’t have to walk to the nursery back and forth. I help Hannah get changed into one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweats. After I help her she falls asleep and I change Landon’s dipper.  I carry Landon and sit down on our bed. Hannah rests her head on my shoulder and looks down at our son.

“He looks like you.” Hannah whispers playing with his little hands.

“But he has you hair color and eye color.” I whisper back making sure that I don’t wake him up. Hannah sighs and kisses my cheek.

“We haven’t had time alone in a long time. My whole pregnancy I was such a bitch to you and everyone else.” Hannah whispers to me.

“Babe it’s fine alright. It was your hormones acting up, its normal. Maybe we can ask Gemma to watch Landon and I can take you out on a date.” She smiles but then her smile turns into a frown.

“I just don’t want to leave him alone so much Luke.” I smile at her and kiss her cheek.

“Go to sleep babe you look tired. We can talk about this when your more rested.” I kiss her forehead and she nods her head. I put Landon down back on the crib that was on Hannah’s side and then get in bed with her. I pull Hannah close to me and she rest her head on my chest. The whole night our little family slept the whole night. I was happy and no one could take away the happiness.

Oh My Lord guys three more chapters and Different Love is over. How sad!! i loved writing this story i just hope you guys will love the ending.

Cutest picture on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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