Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

*Luke POV*

The next day I go to Hannah's house because she invited me for dinner. When I got there Hannah tackles me with hugs and kisses me.

"Thank you so much for coming!" I notice that she is was dressed so formally.

"You're dressed so formally." She looks down at her outfit and frowns.

"Harry had this thing Gemma and I had to go to." I follow Hannah to her room that I have only been in once. I sit on her bed and look at my surroundings. Hannah comes back out only in her undergarments. She sits on my lap and starts to kiss my neck. Pretty soon we're both naked and laying on our backs panting. Then there's a knock at the door.

"Jane. Dad says that dinner is ready. Can you and Luke please get changed and come down stairs. " Hannah curses under her breath and we both get changed and then go down stairs into the kitchen. Harry and Gemma were playing with Gemma's daughter and then a man with short brown hair comes over to me. A blonde women stands next to him and smiles at me.

"Hello I'm Des Styles, Hannah's father."

"Hey Luke Hemmings, nice to meet you Mr. Styles." I say shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Luke, I'm Jenny, Hannah's step-" she's cut off by all three Styles children screaming monster. They all go into a hysteria of laughter and Jenny's get filled with tears. I kind of felt bad for her because it was crystal clear that the Styles hated her. Des glares at them and they shut up but I could still see them laughing.

Everyone sits down at the table and eat a traditional British meal. Which was so strange for me because when you are at a dinner table eating British food with British people and you're the only person with an Australian accent you kinda tend to feel awkward.

"Luke, Hannah tells me that you play football?" Des says putting down his fork.

"Um yeah I'm the captain of the football team at our school." Hannah rolls her eyes then smirks at me. Des nods his head and Jenny speaks up.

"What are your plans after school?"

"I'm thinking of studying law." Hannah looks at me shocked and then smiles at me. Everyone goes quiet and awkwardness fills the room. Gemma decides to break the awkwardness by asking if anyone if they want seconds. Harry responds for everyone saying no and then the yelling starts. Hannah stays quiet and pulls me out of my seat. We go to her back yard and look at the stars. You could see tears in Hannah's eyes as she looks up at the sky. "Hannah?" she looks at me and puts on a fake smile.


"Um well I wanted to ask you something but it seems like right now isn't the best time."

"You can still ask. My family is always like this."

"Oh well um I just want to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend." She looks at me shocked and then she starts crying.

"W-what? Did you just ask me to be your girlfriend?"

"You know what. Forget it. forget I ever asked you." She comes closer to me and hugs me tightly.

"Yes. Yes I will be your girlfriend." She whispers in my ear. I hug her back tightly and kiss the top of her head.

*Hannah POV*

Luke and I get out of his car and he grasps his duffle bag from the back truck. We walk over to his friends. We were currently at Luke's football game and it was my first time being at these type of school events. Everyone looks at me shocked and then Luke tells everyone to fuck off. I sit down on the bleacher and Luke sits next to me while we wait for his game to start. I rest my head on his shoulder and we wait for the stupid game to start. Luke kisses my forehead and then goes to the field. I watch our school football team once again win. I also watch Ashley and her pussy lickers cheer like crazy hormonal fangirls. "HALF TIME!" the referee yells. I stand up and go to wait for Luke. Luke starts running towards the bleachers and then Ashley starts running over to him. Luke sprints away from her and starts running over to me. He puts me over his shoulder and he runs always to his car. Luke puts me down on the hood of his car and he struggles to catch his breath while I laugh.

"Ew you're all sweaty!" I say pushing Luke away from me.

"You weren't complaining last night." Luke shoots back. I stop laughing and I could my cheeks heat up. He laughs and pulls me close to him. His lips connect with mine and butterflies explode in my stomach and chills go up my spine. We both pull away and look at each other.

"Come on tiger."

"Tiger?" he nods his head and I laugh at his corniness. He gives me a piggy back to my seat and the whole time I kiss his neck and whisper loving things in his ear.

"Babe stop." Luke whines

"Why?" I ask kissing his cheek. He groans and continue walking.

"Your such a teases Hannah Styles." I giggle and put my head on my arm and look at him.

"I like your emo hair." I say quietly.

"You do?" I hum and nod my head."Well I'm glad."


I get off the plane and emptiness consumes me.

"Welcome home Jane." My dad says hugging me.

"Hmm England was better." I shove past him. In the car I see my pregnant monster. I sit in the back seat and try not cry. When the car stops I get out of the car, get my bags and then go in the house.

"Why are you so sad Jane?" my dad asks.

"Because dad my boyfriend broke up with me over text message after he had amazing sex with his ex girlfriend! And to make everything complete I found out that you're trying to sell the house that I grew up in! so if you don't mind I'm going to go sleep and eat my feelings." I stomp up to my room and then shut the door.

Once I'm in my room I start crying. Sobs escape my mouth and tears run down my face. Over Christmas break I got to go with Gemma and Harry back to England which I was so thankful for. On New Years I got a text from Luke saying that he wanted to break up with me because I found someone better and that someone was Ashley. Then I later found out from Calum and Ashton that Luke cheated on Ashley and then went away for a fucking long time. He soon returned and acted like everything was fine. When I tried to call Luke for him to explain what was happened he wouldn't answer any of my phone calls. When he did finally answer my calls he told me that he didn't love me and the whole thing was a bet between him and Ashley and he won two hundred dollars. If that didn't hurt enough he told me that it would be better if my just left Australia and kill myself. My phone starts to ring and I see the caller ID. Luke Hemmings. Answering the phone I sob and try to calm myself.

"Hey." His voice says guilty

"What breaking up with me over text wasn't enough? Or did you want to call me just once more to tell me again that I should kill myself" another sob escapes my mouth and more tears run down my face.

"No I just kinda feel like a fucktron."

"Well you are Luke Hemmings! I hate you! Don't you ever speak to me! You'll be so fucking lucky if I never self harm or do anything to myself because of what you have done." I hang up and throw the phone at the wall. Fuck love! It's a bunch of Bullshit! For everyone that is in love you are going to get your heart broken. Stick to sex, food, and music. That's my new life goal. Luke Hemmings broke my heart and soul. And I knew that it would take a miracle to forgive him ever in my life.

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