Chapter Two: Astrid's Feelings

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A/N: I love Hiccstrid so I had to include them in here even if it is just plain weird.

Astrid"s POV
"Oh good gods, why did I stutter, Im fearless why do I...ugh I can't even ask Hiccup to sharpen my axe without stuttering." I face palmed myself. Hiccup is my crush. I've liked or lived for details him since I was five but were Vikings we don't usually go into detail......unless your Hiccup. That's  one thing I like about him...he's different you know a good different. I pulled out a note he gave me when we were six. It was my only memory of our well friendship.

Dear Astrid
I really like that you are my friend. I know someday you will hate me and wish I was dead like everyone else but I'm happy with a year or so if I can

I use to be his one and only friend but when we were about 7 I just stopped for fear of my reputation.

"Why do I not stop others from picking on him, why do I just stand and watch...why."
Hiccup's POV
" Ugh why do I have to just sit here and sharpen weapons?" I asked with a groan.

"Because if you were out there you would just make a...oh umm I mean because your better than me," Gobber replied.

Wow so he thought that way to...should have know. At least he tries to be nice. *sigh* " well I have to go sharpen Astrid's axe..bye Gobber."

"Bye lad have fun."


I could here him mumble about sarcasm as I walked to the weapons.


"I am bored today," I told myself," No teasing,No torturing,No weapons to try out so ...wait I have the bola launcher."

I went to get the bola launcher that has no name but needs one and practice my aim. I really need to work on it.

After hauling it to the forest I tried to knock down tree branches when I heard a screech.

"Was...was...was that a d-d-dragon."

And I went off to see.

A/N: ya I know you probably don't like the story and it is short but I I I...I don't know anywho bye my fluffies and readers.

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Run Away And Live To See Another Day   A HTTYD fanficWhere stories live. Discover now