Chapter 10

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Not really sure where to begin, Sarah made her way back across the street to the Tourist Bureau. The raccoon creature that had helped them the previous day looked up as she entered the room. "Oh hello, miss. Is that Hawaiian shirt you bought treating you well? Do you need to exchange it for another size?" 

"No, I like it a lot actually," Sarah said. 

"I see. And how are you enjoying your time in Quartzwater City so far?" 

"Well, it's okay, but I'm really worried about my uncle. I was told a prophet named 'Skip' might be able to help me and I was wondering if you might be able to tell me where I could find him?" 

"Oh, I'd steer clear of prophets if I were you, missy," the raccoon admonished her. "Most of them are just scam artists. Morton the Mystic seems to have been the real deal, but he's been dead a long time now." 

"Yes, yes," Sarah said impatiently. "But I was told there was a guy named 'Skip' who walks around backwards and remembers the future. Ever heard of him?" 

"Well, not as such, but if you insist on consulting prophets, their district lies on the Eastern edge of the city, near the upper end of the Southeastern Quadrant. But I warned you, that area is dangerous. Lots of criminal elements around there, and I wouldn't be surprised if this 'Skip' of yours is a fake." 

"Can you tell me how to get there from here?" Sarah asked. 

"Probably the most efficient way is by Roto-Bus." 

Sarah groaned at the idea of taking another trip on one of those things. Just the thought of it made her queasy. "Are there any other ways?" 

"Well, you could always walk it," the raccoon replied. "It's almost due east of here. But that might take you awhile. You could possibly catch a ride on a rickshaw. There's usually a few enterprising fellows hanging around the main drags that would be willing to pull you for a small price. They'd probably know how to get there as well, although they might take you on a bit of a scenic route in order to increase their fare. Still, if you don't want to take the Roto-Bus, that might be your best option." 

"Thank you very much," Sarah said, touching his hand gently. "Oh, by the way, do you know anything about the convention that's going on at the Galloping Centipede Inn? Specifically anything about the keynote speakers?" 

"Well, that's really more of a local's affair. Not exactly my area of expertise. I could try to look into it if you want to check back later." 

"I'd really appreciate that," Sarah smiled at him. "Thank you so much for your help. I'll come by later when I get a chance." 

"Bye now," the raccoon waved at her. "Be careful out there. It's a jungle." 

* * *

Sarah began walking towards the east and kept her eyes open for rickshaw drivers. She thought she had spotted one almost immediately, but it turned out to be an iguana hauling a cart full of naked blowup dolls. She didn't care to fathom what the purpose of those might be.  

She walked several more blocks, but was still unable to locate anything promising when a large polar bear in a red Hawaiian shirt hauling a rickshaw walked right into her. 

"Oops. Sorry about that, lady. Need a ride?" 

"Sure," she said and was about to climb in when a small bulldog in a black Hawaiian shirt pulling another rickshaw came running up beside her. 

"Hey, don't ride with him! He's a weirdo. He'll probably take you down some dark alleyway and try to grope your boobs or something." 

"Shut up, Timmy!" the polar bear shouted. "You know that's not true! Besides, you're the one that tries to sniff your passengers' butts!" 

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