Chapter 29

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They arrived back at the Galloping Centipede Inn without incident. Dr. Octavius excused himself as he had some matters to attend to in preparation for his speech. He assured them he'd talk to them afterwards and rode off down the street and disappeared from view. 

Sarah and Max locked up their unicycles at a nearby rack and entered the lobby. 

"I've got some extra floss up in the room," Sarah explained. "I'll pay you whatever I owe you and then you can go get drunk or whatever it is that you do in your free time." 

"You're making a big mistake," Max said as he followed her into the elevator tube. She made her way down to her room and unlocked the door. She stopped dead in her tracks as she entered the room and her jaw fell open. 

Vance was frolicking in the bed with four giggling naked women. He was wearing his shirt but was bare assed naked from the waist down. He paused in mid-thrust as he turned and stared at her in surprise. "Sarah, baby, what are you doing here?" 

Max followed in behind and bumped into her. A big smile spread across his face as he peered over Sarah's shoulder. "Whoah, Nellie! Now this is good!" 

"What the fuck is going on here?" Sarah fumed. Her face turned deep red and she clenched her fists tightly, digging her fingernails into her palms in the process. 

"This isn't what it looks like," Vance said lamely as he pulled the blanket over himself. 

"Vance, you fucking asshole!" she shrieked. "We've been together for almost seven years! How could you do this to me?" 

"You ladies better split," Vance said sheepishly to his bedmates. They hastily pulled on their clothes and slipped carefully past Sarah and Max on their way out the door. It was all Sarah could do to keep herself from smacking each of the filthy whores as they went by. Max, in the meantime, smirked as he enjoyed the view. 

"Well?" Sarah blinked back tears. "What the fuck do you have to say for yourself?" 

"Uh, I'm sorry?" Vance asked. 

"I can't believe this," Sarah's lower lip quivered. "I'm getting out of here. You'd better not be here when I come back or I swear to God I'll cut your fucking nuts off!" She turned and stormed furiously out of the room. 

"But baby doll!" Vance whined. "They didn't mean anything to me! It was just sex!" 

"You're in big trouble, mister!" Max wagged his finger at Vance, twirled around gleefully, and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

* * *

Bruce the monster whistled a merry little tune to himself as he walked up the front path of the small house and rang the doorbell. He turned around and admired the front lawn as he waited for somebody to answer the door.  

Since being sent away from Dr. Wentworth's laboratory he had been going door to door through the neighborhood offering up his redecorating services. So far he hadn't had any takers, but he remained optimistic nonetheless. 

After a few minutes the doorknob turned and a middle-aged woman greeted him. 

"Good evening, madam," Bruce said cheerfully. "My, that's a lovely blouse you're wearing. It matches your hair. Very chic, if I do say so myself." 

The woman took one look at the giant beast on her front porch with its mismatched bits of skin and fur and glowing yellow eyes and let out a shrill scream before passing out in a dead faint. 

"Oh, poop," Bruce said as he caught her in his arms. "That's the third one in a row. Oh well, I suppose I'd better lay her down on her sofa." He made sure she was comfortable and then let himself out. "What a pity, I could have worked miracles with that place." 

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