Chapter One

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"Oh, it's happening! It's finally, finally happening!" Bill was excited over the end of the world. He was laughing like a mad man. "Physical form? Don't mind if I do!" Bill transformed in his physical form that he had claimed. Everyone in Gravity Falls turned to the sky to see what was going on.

Tiffany and Ryan stayed out of sight, but made sure to see what was happening. Bill laughed in a deep voice. "Alright, listen up you one life span, three-dimensional, five sense skin puppets!" He demanded their attention and the townsfolk turned to Bill. "For one trillion years, I've been trapped in my own decaying dimension, waiting for a new universe to call my own. Name's Bill! But, you can call me your new lord and master for all eternity!" The demon turned to the statue of Nathaniel Northwest and burned it. The townsfolk gasped.

"How did he manage to get the rift?" Tiffany asked.

"Maybe it broke?" Ryan guessed.

"Now," Bill spoke again. "meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares I call my friends!" He gestures to the rift in the sky. "8-Ball, Cryptos, the being who's name must never be said. Ah, what the heck? It's Xanthar." The monsters that Bill had called his "friends" jumped out of the rift and onto the ground. "Then of course there's also Teeth, Keyhole, Hectrorgon, Amorphous Shape, Pyronica, Paci-Fire and these guys. This is our town now, boys!" He adds, him and his friends laughing.

"I hope mom and dad are okay." Ryan muttered.

"I hope the whole family's okay." Tiffany adds.

"Now see here, you unholy triangle fella. As mayor, I strongly urge you to get-get on out of here!" Mayor Tyler commanded.

"Yeah! Things with one eye are weird!" Lazy Susan adds.

"We don't like out of towners!" Grenda claimed.

"We punch things that we don't understand!" Manly Dan grabbed a mail box and ripped it open.

The Northwests, Preston and Priscilla Northwest, stepped up. "I would just like to say as a rich capitalist, I welcome you tyrannical rule. Perhaps I can be one of your, uh, horsemen of the apocalypse?" Preston offered. "Dad!" Pacifica protested. "Not now sweetie, the grownups are talking." He silenced her calmly.

"Oh, wow, that's a great offer," Bill sarcastically said. "how 'bout instead I shuffle the functions of every hole in your face?" Bill snaps his fingers. Preston's face was then messed up! His eye was in his mouth and he was screaming with muffled sounds.

Bill laughed as everyone ran for safety. Bill was causing havoc around town and everyone was running. "It's time we do a little redecorating. I could really use a castle of some kind." A giant pyramid rose up to the sky as Bill mentioned castle. "And how 'bout some bubbles of pure madness?!" Bill summoned colorful bubbles upon the town. One bubble went through a man and made him go crazy by him tearing his clothes off and screaming. This party never stops; time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside down and I rank supreme!" Bill claims. "Welcome one and all, to Weirdmageddon!" He announced.

"No, it can't be the end." Tiffany muttered. "Shoot, we have to find dad..!"

"Um, Tiff, that's gonna be impossible." Ryan told her.

"And why is that?"

"How are we supposed to get around town to the shack without being seen by Bill?" Ryan questioned.

"Well, we can try to run there, but those eye bats will probably get us." Tiffany thought aloud. "Also, you might want to hold my hand at least." Tiffany grabbed his hand and ducked behind a trash can as a wave of weirdness crashed over them.

"How did we manage to survive that is a question to me." Ryan said.

Meanwhile, at the shack, Dipper and Ford were standing outside of the shack. "So, this is how the world ends, not with a bang but a," Ford made coo-coo clock noises while making a crazy motion.

"Weirdmageddon," Dipper muttered. Animals and creatures from the forest scampered at the two. Dipper fell as one of the gnomes accidentally tripped him.

Ford helped the boy up. "The rift is shattered, Bill's world is spilling into ours and every minute his powers grow stronger." He explained.

"Mabel, the rift must've cracked inside her backpack! She must be in danger, I have to go find her!" Dipper ran to the forest. "Mabel, come in, Mabel! Mabel!" Dipper talked into the wallow talkie, panic flooding his body.

"Dipper, listen to me: we can find your sister soon, but first we have to stop Bill. If we can blast him back into the rip he came out of, we just might be able to stop him before his weirdness spreads across the entire globe."

"Are you sure defeating Bill is even possible?" Dipper asked.

"No, I'm not sure. But, being a hero means fighting back even when it seems to be impossible. Will you follow me?" Ford asked the twelve year old.

"To the ends of the Earth."

"Good, because that's where we're heading. We also might want to step inside." Ford and Dipper ran inside the shack as the weirdness wave crashed down on them.

"Stanford, what's happening?" Stella questioned Ford.

"Stella, where're Tiffany and Ryan?" Ford asked her.

"They went out in town, I can't get a hold of them." She replied.

"What?!" Ford exclaimed. "Look, Stella, I need you to stay inside the shack. I don't want anything to happen to you." Ford ordered.

"What about you? Where are you going with Dipper?" She interrogated.

"We're going to try and stop Bill before his weirdness spreads." The old man ran to the basement and grabbed a long case. "I love you, Stella." He kissed his forehead lovingly.

"Just be safe for me." She requested.

"I will." Dipper and Ford left the shack and ran into town.

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