Chapter Three

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"Alright, I'll join you." Ford replied, straightening himself.

"Really? Wow, and I thought I was gonna have to turn you into gold!" He told himself.

The three kids couldn't believe what they were hearing. "No, dad wouldn't join Bill." Tiffany protested. Dipper ran out of his hiding spot and into the open.

"D-Dipper!" Ford exclaimed, not expecting his great nephew to come out.

"You joined Bill?! After all that hero talk, you just give up?!" Dipper yelled.

"Look, Pine Tree," Bill starts, "Sixer doesn't want to be with you stupid mortals. Heck, he probably wants to ditch his family!" Bill laughed at his smart statement.

Tiffany and Ryan came up besides Dipper with angry glares. "So, you only did this just to get away from us. Fantastic!" Ryan sarcastically said.

"Ah, my beloved Writer. What a pleasant surprise!" Bill turned into his human form. He had a devious smirk. "Sorry, Writer, but I'm gonna have to get rid of Fantasy and Pine Tree." Bill points to the two boys with his fingers in a gun position. A beam of light hit them and turned them into stone.

"NO!" Tiffany screamed. Tears were in her eyes as she just witnessed her brother and cousin get turned to stone. Luckily, Dipper's backpack was left behind the statue. She ran, grabbing the backpack from behind the statue.

"Henchmaniacs, get her!" Bill orders, pointing to where she ran. The creatures ran after the girl into the forest.

"C'mon, Stanford. Let's head to the Fearamid to get you powers and some new clothes to fit in." Bill suggested.

"P-powers?" Ford repeated.

"Isn't that what I just said, Sixer?" The demon asked. "Oh, and by the way, keep these two. A welcome gift!" He picked the two up and threw them to Ford. With a snap of his fingers, they were at Bill's palace.

"What the.?" Ford looked around the place.

"You're in the Fearamid! Now, come!" Bill gestured to a room and opened the door as Ford entered. The room was empty and dull but only a mirror. "Now, let's change all of..this." The demon gestured to Ford's attire.

Ford had to be honest with himself; he didn't like wearing a red sweater, trench coat, and black dress pants. "I-uh..guess." He hesitated.

"Excellent! Now, let's get started." Bill clapped his hands together once. Ford' appearance changed. He still had his red sweater on but his trench coat was now turned into a black demonic coat with a few tips and tears. He also had a six fingered symbol in the middle f his belt. His boots changed slightly as well. Instead of dirt, it looked like blood. "Perfect!" Bill admired his new upgrade to Ford.

"Wow..." He muttered, grinning slightly as he checked out his new clothing. His hands were covered in black gloves.

"Oh, and it also came with your powers as promised." The demon adds. "By the way, Sixer. If I could just get your permission to maybe what you mortals call date your daughter?" He asked, a sky smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh, uh, sure." Ford replied, still admiring his new appearance.

"Excellent. Now, when you're ready, come and join us at the party. See ya later, Sixer!" The demon stepped out of the room and walked to the entrance.

Ford took out his nephew and son from his pocket. He stared at them, wondering if he could explain to them. Then again, he did join Bill. "I'm sorry, Ryan." He apologized before putting them back into his pockets and exiting his room.

Meanwhile, Tiffany was running through the forest, adrenaline pumping through her veins. As the monsters drew closer to her, Tiffany was heading towards part of the town. She jumped over a fence and his inside a building quickly as the monsters kept running. The poor girl panted hard, trying to calm down from running and tears. She wiped her tears away from her eyes and sat on the floor. How could Ford do this to her? He was her father and husband, why would he just betray the people he loved? "Dad, how could you?" She whispered to herself as she held her knees close to her chest. She was finally beginning to trust him more, now that trust is broken. She opened the journals to see if there was anything she could do. She felt so useless and weak that she had to do something. "God, what am I going to do.?!" She asked herself.

"I think I heard someone in here!" A voice spoke from behind the walls. Tiffany grabbed all of the journals and ran behind some shelves.

"Well, then go in! Maybe there's a survivor in there!" Another voice said. The door busted open.

"Hello? Anyone in here?" A male voice echoed. "We promise we won't hurt you."

Tiffany poked her head out from behind the shelves and saw her friends enter in. "Oh my gosh, it's you guys!" She exclaimed, running towards them. She hugged the two tightly, crying.

"You okay, Tiff? Where's your brother?" Brandon asked her.

"Ryan's been captured by Bill along with Dipper. My dad..he joined Bill." She explained.

"Oh my gosh, are you serious?" Toni asked, her eyes widening. Tiffany just collapses and cries. Her friends try to comfort her.

"Come on, we'll take you to the shack. Mr. Pines is over there." Brandon suggested. Tiffany nods and walks out with her friends, into the woods, and towards the shack.

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