Meeting the Shadow King

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She hated this with every morsel of her being, every fiber of her existence. To be seen in music room number three was an embarrassment.She was not one of those bustling, bumbling school girls that had nothing better to do than to fawn over attractive men. But of course, her friends were. So as they dragged her toward the rose colored, ornate room, her stomach did a flip. She had thought she was better than this. But as she burst through the double doors with the golden handles and is greeted with the chorus of 'Welcome!' her heart beat falters.Clover grip at the ends of her aurulent dress, as rose petals whirl all around her. The fragrance is overpowering, yet alluring. A pink petal sticks to the lenses of her glasses, she sighs and peels it off as her friends squeal. 'What idiots i have for friends' She couldn't help but think. The room was sickeningly carnation colored room. It was all too much for her.

"Hello, princesses! Which host would you be requesting?" She looks around, praying there isn't anyone she knows. But of course the voice is coming from the legendary Tamaki Suoh. Shit. She glanced around, noticing a few more girls sipping tea. And then of course there was Kyoya Ootori. His beauty was the most subtle of them all. She hadn't known he was in the host club. It didn't quite seem his forte. She glances up at the dangling carnation colored chandelier, the puce tinted clock. As the men wooed her friends, she snuck over toward the door, hoping to exit before anyone notice.

"You look like--." started Hikaru

"A ray of sunshine." Teased Karou. She frowns at their jape; She hated the damn uniform.

"So how tall are you, anyways?"

"Like, without the heels?" She glances down at the raven colored, laced boots she wore. She flushed slightly. "You gotta be at least 5'2." Her blush deepened. Kyoya and Haruhi watched the exchange from afar, Kyoya smirking. From his investigative research, he knew she was only....

"You're only five feet tall?" laughed Hikaru, holding her identification card.

"Come on, guys." interjected Haruhi, "Be nice."

"Haruhi is right. You better not drive away another guest." added Kyoya, a glint in his stormy eyes, Haruhi walks up to her, noticing the tell tale signs of uncomfortableness.

"Which host would you prefer?" she asks innocently. Clover stops in her tracks. "Well, none i suppose. I was more dragged here against my will." She explained

"That's okay. Well, since you're here you might as well enjoy yourself." She decides. "Come, we can have some tea."

Despite how much Clover wanted to refuse and get out the room that made her sick to her very soul, she decided to indulge on Haruhi's offer and followed her to a soft-looking cushion sofa. She sat down and Haruhi went to go get the tea ready for this new guest that had no idea what the host club was about. She looks up to see the bespectacled boy from earlier, scribbling away in a small black notebook. Haruhi returned holding two ostentatious cups, filled to the brim with hot tea.

"It's Earl Grey." adds Kyoya. Haruhi looks at him, confused.

"How do you know, senpai?"

"Who do you think buys the supplies for the host club?"

"I do..."

"But who do you think writes the list? Besides, I can recognize the scent of my favorite tea."

"It's your favorite as well?" He looks up, intrigued.

"Well, yes. I presume it is yours as well."

"It is. With Jasmine tea being second."

"I like Jasmine, but it lacks a certain characteristic i like."

"What characteristic?"

"Sweet with a tint of sour."

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