A Day in the Life of the Fujioka family!

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Feeling her phone vibrate, Clover reached across the bed and saw a name that made her little heart flutter. She composed herself, as waking up in the morning was never her strongsuit and promptly answered her phone. Kyoya-Senpai was on the phone, asking her to get ready quickly as the entire host club was preparing their own mini field trip to Haruhi's apartment. She scrambled around her room to get ready: her hair was messily put up into a bun and she had no time for any makeup, to match the look she went for, she wore a black skirt with a t-shirt to finish it off. As she laced up her boots for the day, a limousine pulled up in front and out stepped the one boy who never really failed to make her smile or failed to amaze her, for that matter.

"Why, you look stunning." cooed Kyoya as he rounded the corner and opened the door, allowing Clover to easily enter the limo.

"When am I not?"

"Touché my dear lady." with that note, Clover entered and Kyoya, as a gentleman should, closed the door behind her. Setting off for Haruhi's house to meet up with Tamaki and the others.

"So what's going on here?"

"This morning I received a call from our host king. He requested I accompany him to check in on Haruhi's home life. So naturally, I invited everyone else along as well." explains Kyoya. Clover chuckles. As they arrive at their destination, Kyoya reluctantly let's go of her hand and opens the door.

"So this is where Haruhi lives?" Questions Karou

"It's big. Bigger than I thought it'd be." adds on Hikaru

Clover Glances up at Kyoya Incredulously, did these rich bastards really think this was her entire house?

"Yeah, look at all the rooms!" Exclaimed Honey. Kyoya shakes his head and promptly explains

"This building is what you might call an aggregate commoner dwelling. Haruhi's home is just one of the many units in this building."

"Kyoya, why? Why did you bring these idiots with us? Especially those two doppelgangers!" pleaded Tamaki

"For the record, I am not an idiot." interrupted Clover, mildly irritated by his comment.

"Well, you see. I knew you didn't have the courage to come here alone. So I thought it would be best if everyone came along. All right, let's go home. I guess I underestimated our great leader." Kyoya nudged along the twins, as if they would go home without a fight.
"What? I'm not going home." Decided Hikaru.

"I'm sorry. Don't leave. I don't want to be alone." Kyoya allows a devilish smirk to creep across his handsome face. He knew everyone's weakness, he knew how to get what he wanted, as if he needed to justify his actions. He looks down as Clover attached herself to his arm. She looked nice, with her hair up and with minimal makeup on. Children queried to their parents about the sudden appearance of these foreign aspects of higher society.

"Now, listen up, men, and lady. Don't you forget! We must be polite. This is a casual "we just happened to be in the neighborhood" kind of visit. We're not here to judge the Fujuoka family's lifestyle. The words, shabby, cramped and run-down, are absolutely forbid-." Tamaki is cut off as the small girl pushed him over. Though the damage is done and Haruhi is twitching with rage from what she overheard, Clover berates the idiotic host king anyways.

"You do realize you're being a jackass, right?"


"She's right. Go away" demanded Haruhi.

"That pink dress is pretty cute." harmonizes Honey and the twins.

"Shut up! Get the hell out of here!" Growled Haruhi, eyebrow twitching. Tamaki nearly exploded, tears leaking at the corners of his blush violet eyes.

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