Sleep Deprived

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Clover stared at the screen with wide eyes, her heart faltering at the numbers on the screen. Her smile faded as despair infiltrated her mind.

"How did you do?" Asked Kyoya as he scribbled in his notebook. He took her silence as bad news.

"I'm going to jump off a cliff." Kyoya peers over her shoulder and is taken aback by the low scores.

"Oh my."

Clover walks over to the window and peers down from it. "Babe, if i dive, would this fall kill me?"

Kyoya stood up and held Clover tight.

"You're not dying yet."

Clover struggles in vain and goes limp, peering up at Kyoya with a look of defeat.

"I'm not winning this time, am I?'

"Why it looks like Haruhi may have outsmarted a Slytherin. Are you going to allow that, dear?"

Clover gazed up, and with a sassy tone calmly stated "Bitch,what are you prattling on about? I, a proud member of Slytherin, would never stay the loser in any competition. You wanna go?"

"You are aware that I have a police force at my disposal, correct?"

"Perhaps you do, but you wouldn't use it on me."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because if I was arrested or deported you wouldn't be able to do this." Clover jumps onto Kyoya, kissing him hard. He keeps his hands firmly on her waist, her lips taste slightly of green apple from the chapstick she had been using. Kyoya had encouraged her to kick her habit of picking at her lips. She pulls away with a slight smirk. She takes his hand and yanks Kyoya out of the room, all the way to the car.

"We're going to the bookstore."

Just as they were a few days ago, they arrive just as the shopkeep is opening up. Clover pulls Kyoya along to the study aids and textbooks sections.

"The term has just ended and you're already going to study?"


"Even I'm not this much of a fanatic. You do realize it is about 10 months until the testing resumes."

"Yeah, but with all my classes I won't have sufficient time to allocate to all my studies. Originally, I planned to only take two but now with the failure I have endured, I'll have to take all four to redeem myself."

"Ambitious, truly a Slytherin trait. Well, I won't be the one to try and stop you if this is truly what you want."

"Thank you, sweetie." with that last word, she pecked Kyoya on the cheek and proceeded to pick out the rest of her study material.

They left the store with two bags: one bag meant to hold her books in, and the other was what couldn't fit into the first bag.

And so began the long three days.

First, it started with the determination and hyperactivity. She would not sleep despite the protests of those around her. Beating Haruhi was on her mind more than anything else. When the hyperactivity ended, irritation set in.

Day 1

That night, Kyoya was lucky to have gotten any sleep at all. He awoke to several texts from a delirious Clover





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