Covering the Famous Host Club!

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The Sky was clear as all but two of the host club members kicked around an empty tin can. As expected of them, the ice king and queen could be found lurking to the side, as a mother would to her child at the park.

Clover sat there with her newest find of the week; a black notebook in which she used to jot down her most intimate feelings and personal problems she felt Kyoya wasn't quite ready to see. Pangs of remorse and joy were meticulously hidden behind her expansive vocabulary on every page. After having exasperated Kyoya for three days straight, she couldn't help but feel as though she may have gone a bit overboard in her vendetta against Haruhi. Kyoya, however, had not taken it to heart as much as she had expected him to. She expected him to be fuming, full of loathing and mutual hatred of her extreme study habits. That was nowhere to be found, but instead was inhabited by his common ice-cold demeanor and closeted kindness.

Clover felt a knot in her gut, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For everything I did during the last three days. The late-night calls and everything."

"Don't be sorry. It really wasn't the worst thing i've had to deal with. Take Tamaki ,for example, when he has one of his 'brilliant ideas'," he used his fingers to emphasize how loosely he used this term, "it usually ends with me thinking about how much I want to kill the bastard."

Clover wasn't surprised by this outburst- that is to say, it isn't unheard of for Kyoya to go off like that- but to experience it struck her oddly. She smiles a little, then presses her lips to his cheek. He is puzzled, and touches his cheek.

"What was that for?"

"You really care about that dork, don't you?" She had seen through him as if he was invisible. How could she see through it all so easily?

"Perhaps that is one way to put it. However, I would greatly appreciate if you didn't broadcast the information." She giggles and lays back on the picnic blanket. Three months had passed so quickly. She fumbles around until she finds his hand, then intertwines their hands. He absentmindedly gives her hand a squeeze, writing away in his notebook with the other hand. Bored, she rolls on top of him, knocking his notebook aside.

"You need a break" she declares. He opens his mouth to counter, but she shushed him in an instant.

"You need a break." She reiterates.


"No perhaps about it." She presses her nose to his.

"Fine." He smiles, pecking her lips quickly before everyone can see.

"STARLIGHT KICK!" exclaimed Tamaki, as he sent a ball flying so high into the sky it may as well have faded from existence. It shot straight through one of the higher windows of Ouran academy. Kyoya sighs, pushing up his spectacles.

"You idiot. That's coming out of your budget."

Tamaki looked at Kyoya with a sly apologetic look on his face as if he knew the shit he was about to intertwine himself in.

"That's uh, that's not important. Is it?"

Tamaki saw the death glare Kyoya was giving him and meekly followed along into the school.

The school seemed so much more gloomy and larger when one was in trouble. Poor tamaki was learning this first hand as Kyoya marched him and the rest of the Host Club over to the office of newspapers and editing.

"Really, we're terribly sorry about that." apologized Tamaki.

"Don't worry. It's no big deal. Could've happened to anyone, right? Just a ball flying through a window and hitting me upside the head." muttered the president of the Newspaper club, nursing a wound with an ice pack Clover had retrieved (she lost rock paper scissors.)

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