Birth of Devotion

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Clover stared at her feet, face beet red. Kyoya could not wrap his brilliant mind around what had happened. Had a girl just asked him out?

"While I appreciate the offer, i'm not entirely certain on that rules regarding hosts and relationships."

"I see." her voice was quiet, oh so quiet and it made him feel...pity? That was too rough of a word. He emphasized. And that was something he didn't so often. She swivelled around, ready to leave when a sudden intervention stopped her

"What are you doing--."

"You idiot?" The twins were on either side of him. Had he heard her right? She had invited him out to tea? The way he saw it, there were two valid responses for this kind of situation: either accept the offer and further dangerously intertwine business with pleasure while at the same time working out what he truly felt inside, or decline and drive away possible revenue and publicity. While the second option appealed to the sense of not mixing together business and pleasure, Kyoya couldn't help but feel as if declining Clover's offer would not only be a bad decision with profits, but also of morals. He had to keep his cool and answer swiftly, though even he couldn't see which was the correct answer.

"Certainly. Who would I be to refuse the request of a charming young woman as yourself?" He finally answered. She stared at him with wide olive eyes

"Hm?" she looked up at him and he chuckles slightly at her astonishment. "Though I suppose it would be more appropriate for me to take you out. I know a nice tea shop. Meet me in front of the school, at around 7." Clover could not process. Did she have a date with the Kyoya Ootori? The man several girls were pining over."Dress causally."

She nods before calmly exiting the room. She felt like fireworks were exploding in her chest. There was this overwhelming feeling of joy inside her.

"So mama has a date." harmonized Hikaru and Kaoru.

"I still don't know what I did to receive such a nickname." Clover found herself with a little bounce in her step while she went home.

* * *

Kyoya waited, being at least ten minutes early. Being punctual was important and polite, and he wouldn't want to make a bad impression on his first date. Even he felt a little nervous... nervous wasn't the right word. More like apprehensive. He heard her the click click click of heels on bricks. He knew immediately it was her. He turned around, adjusting his glasses as he did so to greet her.

7 o'clock rolled around and Clover found herself in front of Ouran academy. She saw Kyoya, dressed casually, playing with a button on his sleeveless shirt. His hair was neatly combed and as she arrive next to him, she can smell a hint of cinnamon.

"Hello." He greets, smiling politely

"Hi." She smiles back and he gets that damn feeling again. He cursed himself. If he was supposed to be the cool type why was this girl making such a mess of him? But of course, he masqueraded his emotions so well she couldn't sense anything. She considered taking his hand. But she couldn't quite work up the courage. Did he consider this a date? He looks her up and down, heeled boots still clicking, she wore tight black jeans that highlighted every curve, along with a loose white and teal shirt, reading Louder than a bomb.

"You look beautiful." He complimented. And he meant it. Her pale skin had a smattering of makeup on it, not too much not too little. Her hair flowed down her back, reaching almost her hips, it looked a dark copper color, still sightly wet from a recent shower, her eyes shined like the stars aligned. And when she smiled, flashing straight white teeth, he had to stop and watch her. She was confident and self conscious at the same time, independent. He could not identify what it was he was feeling. In her arms she held a grey jacket, with bold emerald lettering that read SLYTHERIN, along with the emblem on the back. Instinctively, he reached for her hand. The skin was smooth, soft. It fit inside his own larger hand perfectly. Actually, his hand was more so consuming her own, but she loved it. She loved the size difference, she felt it made it all the more cute. He almost had a Good foot on her.

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