The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type!

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Clover sat in music room number three, doing homework for English. Tamaki and the twins had been quite exuberant on getting her into an Arabian princess outfit, to which she had politely declined. They had been pretty keen on having her become a full fledged host.

"A princess among princes! We could attract double the attention, she could even give our angels advice on boys! And Haruhi will have another feminine figure in her life!" Tamaki becomes overjoyed, eyes almost becoming hearts.

"It's not like anything would change." Shrugged Hikaru.

"Yeah, you spend enough time here, you might as well be a host." Agreed Kaoru.

"While capturing the attention of the public with a female host would produce more revenue, to be quite plain, I am not letting you pimp out my girlfriend." Denied Kyoya. And so they dressed up and hosted while she stayed in thatrepugnant uniform, reading the next chapters for her upcoming quiz.

"Welcome!" They greeted. She barely looked up at first; guests were typical this time of day. The only time she would look up was when a guest would request Kyoya. That would get her blood boiling.

"What? It's just a kid." Acknowledged a twin. Clover glances up, to see a small elementary school boy, looking repulsed and bewildered at the cosplay before him.

"What's the matter? Are you lost? Or did you come to my palace for something else?" questioned Tamaki

"You're the king?" asked the boy

"King?" It was as though they could hear Tamaki's ego inflating. "King!" He decided, with a large twirl.

"I am Junior section grade 5 class A's Takaouji Shirou! I would like to apply to be the host King's apprentice!" Announces Shirou.

* * *

Everyone couldn't help but observe the new presence in their club. The hosts did their job and Clover did her homework until everyone is a little distracted by how close Shirou was to Tamaki.

"Learning from close observation...isn't it distracting?" Wonders Haruhi as Kyoya takes a seat next to Clover.

"He was preaching that up close observation would reflect more of his beauty. Just ignore him." Advised Kyoya. Inside the club, if you hadn't been around on certain occasions or didn't have a class with them, you'd barely know Kyoya had a girlfriend. Kyoya Ootori was a formal, profession man who was very minimal when it came to affection around others. He was raised like a project, a backup plan. Unlike Tamaki, who emotion and empathy came so natural to, he struggled to deal with feelings he felt for Clover. He would give her hand a squeeze, or caress her cheek. So seeing Kyoya-senpai ever kiss Clover like he did during their last date was a surprise to everyone. But when they were alone, he did not so much have to put up a frontier. He was not an open book, but she was intriguing. And he liked that. She was his own project. He peeks over her shoulder to see what she was highlighting.

"If I must say so, she looks more a crucian carp in my pond at home!" Blurts out Shirou. "I would never use such blatant words of flattery!" Clover's jaw dropped like gravity's pull suddenly got stronger m

"Tamaki-sama, you idiot!" Cried the girl.

"Whaaa- Princess!"called Tamaki. Kyoya sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"This child better not drive away any more buisness." He growled. Hikaru and Kaoru break out into a fit of laughter.

"This is great, Tono! You've got a cute little brother here!"

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