Jungle Pool SOS!

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"We're going on a field trip, everyone!"

Everyone looked puzzled as Tamaki burst into the music room, joyfully screaming and looking absolutely pleased with himself. Clover just looked up and instinctively clutched Kyoya's arm, her sense of security slowly made its way back in her.

And before she knew it, she was in a tropical environment. Sun sprayed down on them, tinted parsley green as it slipped through the canopy. The air was thick with humidity, so much that when they first walked in, Kyoya's glasses fogged up. It envelopes them, consumes them. The chirping and buzzing of insects made Clovers skin crawl. Clover sat beside Kyoya, she wore a black band T-shirt, one too large. Underneath she wore a raven bathing suit, the shirt was large enough to hide her bottoms, making it look like she was not wearing pants. Kyoya wrote in his notebook, as usual. Both of them were basking in the shade, Clover typed away on her laptop, writing her latest chapter.

"But what does Kyoya-senpai's family do for a living?" Asked Haruhi

"Hospital management...and uh... swimming pool management..." answered Tamaki.

"Well it's management anyways, but yeah. If I had to think of something in common between them, wouldn't you say they are all recovery related?" As Haruhi is choosing a swimsuit, there is a buzzing against the plastic white table. Kyoya picks up his cell phone, reads the text and immediately rubs his temples.

"What is it?" Asked Clover, noticing his distress.

"Just those idiots. Nothing you want to read." This obviously meant she had to read it, so she snatches his phone from him and reads the following text from Hikaru

Haruhi's in a swimsuit. Think Tamaki just busted a nut.

Clover tries to stifle her laughter. Her laugh is like a breeze, quiet yet comforting. It's enough to make Kyoya's mouth quirk up in a small smile.

Clover occasionally glances up from her writing to observe the water gun fight taking place. She prays the water comes nowhere near the laptop. Kyoya would have a fit.

"So why is it that you're not swimming? Aside from your scars."

"I've never been very good at it. I don't invest in endeavors that I'm not good at. Otherwise i look a fool. I don't try at many things because I'm afraid of what others would think."

"You can't live in fear of other people's perceptions."

"I know. But it's ingrained in me. I have to undo years of physiological damage." She avoids eye contact, she hated this type of vulnerability. He reaches across the table, taking her hand. She looks up at him. He feels incredibly awkward, for this kind of emotion never came easily for him. She made him feel. And these were feelings he didn't want to repress. This was the feeling Tamaki was always talking about. She looked at him like he was the only thing in the world.

"You don't have to do it alone." he assures her. Their hands stay tangled together, as they stare up, occasionally sipping fruity drinks. "Who's had the biggest impact on you?" Clover considered it for a minute. She wanted to say her mother, but she didn't deserve that much credit. She had a negative impact anyways.

"My eighth grade English teacher. She taught me how to write and never gave up on me. That was my worst year. Especially grade wise. I kind of just gave up with everything going on. I crack under pressure so easily."

"Pressure is the most exciting." He smirks a little, thinking of his own little game he had. "How often do you stay up past 3 a.m.?" He asked.

"I'm a writer. My inspiration usually comes around midnight. You?"

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