The Sun, The Sea and the Host Club!

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Clover stumbled into music room 3, completely done for the day. Final exams had kicked her ass. Kyoya had helped her study, but no amount of study guides could have prepared her for this. AP (advanced placement) Economics was her worst subject, and she knew she had bombed it. Something she, an honor student was not used to.

"The ocean?" asks Haruhi.

"Yeah, the ocean!" Confirms the twins. Ignoring their prattle, she trudges over to where Kyoya sat, and collapsed. He raises an eyebrow at her.

"Was it truly that bad?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm pretty confident I've failed it."

"You couldn't have failed it. We studied together. You knew the material." She buried her face in his chest, thoroughly disappointed in herself. He rubs small circles into her back

"Look, put a sweater on her and her chest is so washboard flat you can't tell if it belongs to a guy or a girl!" Insults one of the twins.

"Clover doesn't have that problem, so we have a more wide variety for her." pointed out Karou

"Thanks, guys but I already have one at home, so i really don't need--."

"Come on. Take a look!" they pleaded.

"Fine." She turns around, to see a wide variety of two pieces, in crimson and black, teal and black, and blue and black. After some browsing, she chooses a scarlet and Raven polkadotted two piece, Kyoya had told her before she looks best in red. Tamaki then explodes, yelling about sexual harassment toward his daughter and brandishing a bat.

"Is it my fate to be saddled with three kids at only seventeen? What's happening to my youth?" asked Kyoya. Clover giggles and he turns to her. "Are you up to raising three kids with me?" she is a bit taken aback by such a playful yet serious question.

"Of course." She smiles.

"So you're not going to the beach?"

"Who said I'm not going?"

"Then it's settled." Harmonize the twins.

"Can I bring Usa-chan with?" Asks Honey.

"I have no objections." Answers Kyoya. "You are okay with going, aren't you? It should relax you after your exams." He directs this question toward Clover.

"I'm fine with it." She affirms. "I have a new bathing suit, anyway."

And suddenly they are on their way. Tamaki sits on a rock, charming a customer. Hikaru and Kaoru played volleyball while Honey and Mori searched for shellfish. Kyoya and Clover sat under an umbrella again. When she was sure no one is looking, she slips Kyoya the pictures she had coaxed out of old acquaintances of Haruhi, and of ones she took on her day off. He smirks just as Nekozawa-senpai appears, cloaked as always.

"Everyone having fun? Ohhh, who's this black dahlia? She's quite the temptress, isn't she?" No one can see it, but he smiles as he kisses her hand. Clover glances Kyoya's way to see him looking mildly irritated. His glasses catch the sun's glare as he pushes them up.

"My girlfriend." He replies rather calmly. Clover smirks, the famous Kyoya Ootori's girlfriend. That was the first time he had called her that. "Clover Alvarado."

" intriguing..." Nekozawa sulks away. Noticing his slight jealous attitude, Clover decides to milk this for all it's worth.

"Well he was kind of charming... maybe I'll leave you for him?" Kyoya responds by giving her a death glare, not with hostility but more of a. "knock it off or you'll be sorry." Type of glare. "No?" She saunters over to his seat and plops down next to him, almost in his lap, since there is very little room. She wraps an arm around his lanky figure, then presses her thin pink lips to his warm cheek. "You know I'm kidding darling, besides, I don't do blondes." He smirks slightly, relieved.

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