Beware the Physical Exam!

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Everyone stared as Tamaki sat in his corner, a dark obscurity radiating off of him.

"Why's Tamaki-senpai sulking about now?" Finally asked Haruhi.

"Mama was keeping a secret from dad." sang Hikaru.

"Yeah, he has a secret girlfriend." Added Kaoru.

"Wouldn't that be adultery?"wondered Haruhi.

"Honestly, it wasn't a secret." Muttered Kyoya, typing away on his laptop.

"Then how come I didn't know about it?!" Yelled Tamaki.

"Because you couldn't pick up on the simplest of clues. Everyone else knew." Tamaki returns to his mushrooms.

Soon the guests have arrived. Every one was occupied, Kyoya sat beside Clover, the clicking of keys on his laptop. Clover too was nothing short of things to do. Her advanced placement English class had started reading Into the wild. She had her pack of markers ready for annotations. She also had a little black notebook beside her, and every now and then she'd scribble something in it. Everything was going quite smoothly, until she looked up and saw Hikaru and Kaoru in a loving embrace, Hikaru's finger in Kaoru's mouth. Or was it Kaoru's finger in Hikaru's mouth? She honestly couldn't tell the difference. Her head made contact with the table, causing Kyoya to look up, he pokes her cheek with a his pen.

"What are you doing?"

"Praying the gay away." He chuckles a little.

"Hey! You're just jealous because we get more than you!"

"You wanna bet? I'll do your mother right in front of you."

"You'll do what exactly?" Asked Kyoya hand on his chin, glint in his glasses. She blushes hard, turning beet red. The twins cackle at the embarrassed demeanor.

"Don't waste your chance! You need to look very carefully!" Scolded one of the many brotherly love fanatics.

"You're right, ma'am." Smiled Kyoya. "Beauty is as vain as these cherry blossoms. You will never see them in the same shape twice. I made a photo album to capture such day to day beauty. By the way, it comes with individual and group pictures at the low price of 15,000 ¥ for a set."

"i didn't know our host club did so well financially." murmurs Haruhi.

"If I was you, I'd be more concerned about how he got those pictures." adds Clover, making Haruhi moderately concerned. Clover returns to Kyoya, who has Finished his marketing and collected the revenue. He snatches up her hand, interlocking their hands. His hand is warm, but hers is slightly sweaty, with long nails that were painted with cracked ebony nail polish. Girls stare and glare with mixed feelings. Some thought having a girl around the host club would make it all the more interesting. Other's were enraged kyoya was no longer available. But to be completely realistic, Kyoya only interacted with guests to sell or advertise.

"Since when has Kyoya had a girlfriend?"

"Ew, it's that new commoner! He could do so much better." Clover overhearing the conversation, looks up, clears her throat and smiles sweetly at the girls.


"What is it, daddy?" Clover chokes on tea. Tamakis eyes widen

"It is NOT what it sounds like!" Yells Tamaki.

"Kyoya, please tell me you don't have a mommy kink." Kyoya smirks a little and leans in close to Clover's lips.

"I don't particularly favor the name, but I suppose you'll have to wait and find out my kinks on your own.".Her Jade eyes widen, and he winks. He loved seeing her flustered.

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