A Challenge from Lobeila Girls Academy

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Clover sat at her usual place while everyone hosted, secretly admiring how Kyoya looked in a knight's armor. Tamaki was giving some ladies a spiel about how he'd lay his life on the line for them.

"Is that so. "Even sacrifice my own life" Isn't that an egotistical emotion? Are you under the impression that a woman left behind would be happy with just those words?" asserted a new face. Her light brown hair fell down in waves, lips were a light pink.

"There's nothing you can do about it, silver bell oneesama. Men are lower life forms who place honour above all else." Sighs another young girl about Clovers height, with shorter and darker hair. Everyone in taken aback by such harsh words. Even Clover, a feminist, disagreed with such blatant sexist words. Kyoya raises an eyebrow at the peculiar new guests. "

"Pretending to be gallant by repackaging it in sweet words in their own ineptitude of not being able to preserve his own life."

"Oh my, Daisy is just too intelligent." Giggles another girl.

"You're very acrimonious individuals, I see. Then which type of words would you prefer to hear?" probes Tamaki

"Yes, if it were me, I would never leave her alone." A low feminine voice announced. "If you're going to fight, then fight together. If you cannot accomplish that, then you should end your life together. I vow that I shall never leave your side, until the day my life ends."

"Haru-what the?!" Shouted Tamaki

"Rose-sama, you're too much! Why were you so late? Where did you find her?" While those two fussed over Haruhi, The shorter girl, however was staring in Clovers direction, which took her a while to realize. Kyoya knew right away it was her who was the apple of her eye. He watched her closely as she approached Clover, who sat not paying much attention.

"What are you reading?"

"Nothing of interest, it's for school."

"Are you happy here at Ouran academy?" That question came out of the blue. She almost hesitated from shock.

"Of course I am. This is much better than my old public school and besides, it has its perks being here."

"Ahh, but I can assure you Lobelia is much better!" She returns to her book, when she notices the girl, now introduced as Hinako Tsuwabuki had scooted closer. She leans in as if looking over her shoulder. An invasion of her personal space, yes but Clover wasn't too pissed about it. Maybe she liked books. Her lips seemed to be getting closer, almost like she was going in for a kiss.

"Hey, what are you-?" She is cut off by a quick brush of the lips from Hinako, a small kiss. Clover's eyes widened, she did not kiss back. She did not realize what was happening to her. It is cold and formal, like two strangers meeting.

"All right, girl on girl!" Teased the twins. At that moment, Clover realized what was happening. She grabbed the girl by the shoulders, and pushed backwards with force. Hinako looks up at her with wide eyes, as if asking what she did wrong. Kyoya, stopped thinking at that moment, marches up to the girl and smacks the hell out of her. At least, that's what he imagined himself doing. Instead he stood there, pissed.

"You taste so sweet." Flirts Hinako. Clover had never been that violent in reality. But at that jape, she snapped. Her hand hit Hinako so hard it made the sound of a clap, it was an open palmed one. It stung, even her hand had tingles radiating through it. Hinako's cheek was red from impact. Everyone had seen it, host and zuka club.

"One I'm not gay. Two, I have a boyfriend." Affirmed Clover, seething she had been taken advantage of yet again. Benio steps forward, trying to charm the girl.

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