The Refreshing Battle of Karuizawa

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Clover had ignored what seemed like twenty phone calls. It was too fucking early for this. But time did not stop and neither did Tamaki’s shenanigans. She vaguely heard the noise outside her door, but it did not register In her trance like state.

“What should we do?”

“I don't know! Why are you asking me?”

“You can't enter a ladies room without permission!”

“But this is an emergency!”

“You guys are the worst.” And that's when she felt strong arms wrap around her slender figure. She woke up then as she felt herself begin to be lifted. She struggled then, eyes snapping open as she yelled

“What the FUCK do you think you're doing?” Her stomach faltered when she realized the situation. Her boyfriend's arms were around her, and his friends had hid behind the door frame as she protested.

“She's pretty scary.” Muttered Honey. Kyoya merely smiled slightly.

“Getting revenge. I see you don't fancy being awoken forcefully.” He replied cooly. Her words that preceded her comment were less lady like, but he seemed unphased. He was used to her curses, and when they were alone and he had no reputation to uphold, he was the same. She was more painfully aware of the fact she had no makeup, no bra on, and had morning breath. All of which Kyoya had experienced, she realized. But that didn't stop her from hiding under the blanket. He was dressed nicely, in a pair of nice fitting tannish jeans, a black tank top and blue overcoat that had no sleeves. Which made no sense. But she didn't question it.  

“Go wait outside.” He commanded the host club. Kyoya never thought this was the way he'd find his way into Clover’s room. Peeking under the covers, he sees her huddled.

“What was so important that you all had to barge in?” She wasn't too upset. Just irritated she couldn't sleep in during their vacation.

“Allegedly, Haruhi is missing.” He answers, scooping her up bridal style and holding her.

“Have they tried her cell phone?”

“She hasn't answered.”  Kissing her temple, he sets her down. “Go get ready.”

She wasn't ​exactly sure where they were going, but after brushing her teeth and a quick shower, she slipped into a pair of dark colored jeans, and a poetry shirt from a few years back. She does her makeup as quickly as possible and puts on all the jewelry she typically would wear on a day off. They were off soon into about a two hour ride away to Karuizawa. Clover loved to watch the whirl of the scenery, the evergreen of grass and nature. But that could only entertain her so long, and soon she was nodding off on Kyoya's shoulder.

“Haruhi! Despair not! Daddy's come to save you!” Not sure if she was dreaming, Clover jumps to attention, seeing Tamaki fly out of the car and after Haruhi, who they could see through the large windows of the place.

“Where are we?” questioned Clover, wanting to rub her eyes but not wanting to mess up her makeup.

“We’re in Karuizawa.” answered Kyoya, helping her out of the car.

“Oh my! What dashing young men you are! These hunks must belong to Haruhi! And this gorgeous young lady as well! Why don't you call me Misuzu-chi?”

“He's an old friend of Ranka's. They used to work together at the same shop years ago.” Relays Kyoya.

“Well, naturally you would know.” mutters Tamaki. Clover gets the feeling Kyoya knew exactly where Haruhi was, but just wanted to entertain Tamaki. She hears her mutter something along the lines of ‘kill me’

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