The Twins Fight

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Tamaki screamed at the prospect of the twins undressing and photographing his beloved daughter. That morning, Clover rejoiced at the announcement of a new club; ouran high school poetry club, meeting this Friday. Kyoya smirked; being a friend of the Suoh family, who ran the school, had its advantages. Pushing the club along was the least he could have done.

"You're a toy!" Sang Hikaru and Kaoru. Kyoya considers what he had been pondering for some time.

"I don't mind all your antics, however I do request your assistance with a private matter." Everyone stares: Kyoya asking for help with anything a rare occurrence. "What would you call your significant other?" He continues, barely looking up from his notebook. Everyone considers this for a minute

"Boo!" Suggests Hikaru

"Bae! Proposed Kaoru

"Sugar mama!" They harmonize. Kyoya sighs and rubs his temples.

"I respect her, so I'll have to decline."

"Usa-chan!" adumbrated Honey.

"NO!" agreed everyone.

"Such an easy question! Angel or princess!" Implied Tamaki.

"No." Replied Kyoya

"Hot stuff." Yelled Kaoru

"Sunshine!" Giggled Hikaru. After some time of this, it is Haruhi who finally pipes up.

"Why don't you go with the basics? Call her sweetie. She'll like that." Kyoya raises an eyebrow, considering the notion.

"Well I suppose that could work." May 8th. Today marked the day that a month ago, Clover had asked out Kyoya. He was stumped. Do couples celebrate the first month? All his research came up futile. The results yielded all pertained to one year anniversaries. "What do you do if you've been together for a month?"

"You seal the deal." started Hikaru. It was at this point Haruhi decided she didn't need any more of the twins, and promptly left.

"Consummate the relationship." pushed Kaoru

"You fuck her right in the pu-" they synthesized

"Anyone, besides these two idiots." growled Kyoya.

"You should just eat cake together!" yipped Honey. Kyoya frowns; he didn't particularly care for sweets.

"Take her on a beautiful boat ride! Under the twinkling stars, confess your love for her!" Dramatized Tamaki.

"Senpai, don't you think it's a little early for love? He's only known her a month." Haruhi addressed, who had returned for her bag.

"It is never too early for love!" Declared Tamaki.

"A nice dinner." advised Mori.

"Ohh Mori-senpai that's perfect! We can have it right here in the host club, Haruhi can cook and we can find out what kind of woman is trying to date our mommy!" babbled Tamaki

"Hey! Do I get a say in this?" Snapped Haruhi

"This will be fun." approved the twins

"I'd actually prefer it if we were alone." Protested Kyoya.

"It's settled!"

"So, mom. What are you doing for your anniversary?" Synchronized Hikaru and Kaoru

"Technically, an anniversary is more for annual matters. This is an inaugural." Educated Kyoya.

"You really know how to woo the ladies." Japed Hikaru.

"Go up to her and tell her "happy inaugural". She'll definitely appreciate it." Kids Kaoru.

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