Attack of the Lady Manager!

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It had been a few weeks since their first date. Clover found her mind constantly occupied by the onyx haired man. It was frustrating. Next thing she knew she'd be writing a damn love poem. He was in her Japanese history class and modern literature class, and always made time to talk to her. And she went out of her way to talk to him as well. She would swing by the host club just to request him. He enjoyed their talks about literature, her past life, their interests. The more he knew, the more intrigued he became. He would hold always walk her to her classes, and while he was never one for public displays of affection, he would sometimes hold her hand and let her kiss his cheek if there weren't too many people around. She loved it. She loved the way he adjusted his glasses, the way he smelled of cinnamon and mint, the way he held her close before saying goodbye. There were complications though. The glares she received from some of the girls that usually requested him certainly shook her, but she didn't mind much. Everything was fine until one day. Everyone had basically figured out that Kyoya was dating Clover. The twins were there when she asked him out. Haruhi, Honey and Mori had all seen the kiss. Everyone except Tamaki. It was no secret. But Tamaki simply wasn't one for details. Kyoya sat next to Clover, wearing a fuscous kimono as he typed away on his laptop. He had just finished reminding Haruhi of her seemingly perpetual debt, when a sudden coo could be heard from Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Aren't you a new face?"

"What's wrong? Just come in!"

"Be softer to the new guest! Don't be scared, princess." coaxed Tamaki. Kyoya barely looked up. They had this under control. He needn't bother himself with a new guest. "Welcome to Ouran high-school host--."

"DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU FAKER!" screamed the new girl with auburn hair. "I can't believe you're recognized as a prince in this club. A prince shouldn't sprinkle his love so easily! It makes girls hearts tremble if you smile with sorrow! And why do you look so stupid? It's as if you're a lightheaded narcissist! Useless, too ordinary!" These harsh words hit Tamaki like bullets. "You're the worst!" Kyoya is in deep thought

"You are...."

"Kyoya-sama! I wanted to see you so badly, my only prince!" Clover's stomach dropped. Who was this woman, and why was she hugging Kyoya?

"Who are you?" Asked Clover, politely as possible.

"Why, i'm Kyoya's fiancée." She giggled. Anger. Betrayal. Confusion. All swirled around in her chest, brewing something sinister. "I'm Houshakuji Renge. I'll be in grade 10 class A as of tomorrow." Tamaki goes to his corner, pouting as usual.

"See. He's angry."

"All because mom was hiding something from dad."

Clover, enraged grabs Kyoya's hand and drags him out of the room.

"You asshole! Why would you not tell me you have a fiancee?" There is a glint in her eyes, something malicious. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

"I didn't tell you because to be completely honest, I've never met the woman before, much less asked for her hand in marriage." Her hands are fists, hair covering her eyes which are scrunched shut. "She's obsessed with a character from the game Uki Doki Memorial." He continues, the fury begins to slowly dissipate, tension easing from her shoulders. The host club arrives at the same conclusion, as they scream out 'Otaku?!'

"Weeaboo!" corrected the twins. Kyoya rolls his eyes, then turns to Clover, still looking slightly irate. He adjusts his glasses then takes her by the shoulders

"I assure you that I have no connection to this woman outside of business." She opens her eyes, unclenches her fists and envelopes him in a hug. He blinks, then wraps his arms around her small figure.

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