The Shadow King is a Slytherin!

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"Kyoyaaaaa get up! The bookstore opens in an hour and the new book is out!"

Hands gripped his shoulders and began to violently thrash him about. In his slumber, the voice hadn't registered in his mind, thus angering the shadow king as he shot up in bed and gripped his assailant, thinking Tamaki had somehow been granted entrance to his room again. When he opened his eyes, the usual blubbering blonde wasn't there, instead, he was replaced with the small frame of the girl who made his heart skip a beat.

Clover began to tear up, for she thought she had actually angered her boyfriend. Shit. He then hugged her close, running a hand through her hair as he apologized softly into her ear. "THAT'S what you want? I thought Haruhi or one of the twins died."

"No, you jackass. I just wanted the new Harry Potter book." quivered Clover.

"We'll go get you your book, I promise. But I need to sleep."

"Come on we only have an hourrr"

This caught his attention. He gave her a smirk and quietly cooed "That's an hour I have to do this"

He flipped her onto the bed, under him as he threw the blanket around their bodies and held her close as an apology. Her scent was intoxicating, which aided to how quick he fell asleep.

She started to fidget, "Wakeee uppppp we gotta go".

He glared at her and with a smirk, calmly said "You are being a naughty little shit". Clover giggled.

"I know, but I'm determined to have my way. No matter what." She whispers this last part in his ear. His grip tightens around her, but through much struggle, and a few threats, she frees herself.

"I'll whine. I can do worse than this." She warns, picking his glasses up off the table and attempting to place them on his face. After poking Kyoya in several places, she does succeed."I'll undress and dress you if I have to." He smirks a little at the prospect of his girlfriend stripping him.

"That's supposed to be unpleasant?" She lunges for his pants, his ash colored eyes go wide as he remembers his vow to wait.

"Please don't actually do this?" He sighs, pushing up his glasses.

"I'll cuddle you once we get the book." Promised Clover.

"You better. You're in debt, for waking me up." he growls. She waits for him patiently, as he readies himself. He smiles a little when he sees how she is bouncing with excitement. She is endearing, and almost makes him not mind getting up this early. Her green Slytherin shirt brings out her eyes, her black boots click against the floor as they walk together to the limo. The ride is short, Clovers mind racing the whole time while Kyoya tries to nod off. Arriving just after the doors are unlocked, Clover zooms off, so quick that when Kyoya goes to ask her if she would like something to drink from the nearby coffee shop, she is gone. Shit. He had lost her. However, twenty minutes later he discovers her admiring the newest merchandise and newest book cover designs. He beckons her away, and back to the car. Once inside, he extracts the book he had bought her. She was overjoyed at that, but that's not where he stopped. He pulls out an array of chocolate frogs, a pair of deathly hallows earrings and a large frozen coffee. Clover practically jumps him, smashing her lips onto his. She kisses him, hard. When they pull apart to breathe, she is still showering him with kisses and affection. Her lips are chapped but still, he loves the feel of her kisses. Lips brushing skin, he smirks a little as their chests pressed together. She continues to mumble sweet things in his ear.

"You're the best boyfriend, you could get your dick sucked right now if you wanted to-." Kyoya's eyes widen slightly at that idea.

"While that's an intriguing notion, I'll have to decline for now." His smooth lips brush her temple as he speaks.

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