Dream (1)

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"Whe-where am I?" Tyler broke his words. "Josh... he thought. JOSH WHERE ARE Y-," knocked out before able to finish his sentence.

Tyler had never seemed so worried in such few words before, he had no idea what was even happening. It was dark, quiet, all he heard was himself and footsteps dragging Tyler on the floor. He forgot how to even think, how to react, he was lost. He was confused...

"Tyler?" he had heard someone whisper his name.

What's happening, am I alone? Tyler thought.

Questions kept running through his mind not knowing where to start when he felt a kick on his ankle. Tyler turned his head, it was Josh.

"Oh my gosh," his mind started to work right again.

"You need to be quiet." Josh's voice shivered.

His face, he had a black eye, busted lip, he looked pretty beat.

"Who done this to you? Where are w-," Tyler uttered.

"Tyler, buddy, you have to listen to me, I know you're confused but you need to be quiet. I dont know when he is coming back."

Tyler even more confused then before. Who is he? He tried to move but he realized his hands were tied, on a dusty floor, in a dark, eerie room. All of a sudden footsteps, and a quiet laughter is heard. A man then walked up to Tyler and Josh with a ski mask over his face.

"Thanks for the souvenir fellas. This mask definitely came in handy." said a man with a voice they can't identify.

"You may have no idea who you are talking to, but I know who you two are," He spoke out with a grin.

"I do not have all day here as the police or anybody can be searching for the two of you, so I am going to make this simple and easy. See this gun right here? Ha, well you two are going to have to decide who I am going to kill with it."

Instantly Tyler's mind froze, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know what  to say, or even say anything at all.

Josh knowing the situation he was in turned and looked at Tyler, saw the frozen stare on his face. He turned back. He had figured Tyler had no idea what to do so he started to think. How to get out of the situation before it was to late.

"I will give you, 2 minutes to decide or I kill both of you." The man said in a calm aggervated tone."

"Who would you live for, who would you die for, and would you ever kill." Josh rethought that lyric in his head.

"Who would I die for..?" When he looked again at Tyler tears slowly falling down from his eyes. "My bestfriend, my brother, my everything, I can't let him die." Having seconds to think Josh got up and yelled "ME. KILL ME, don't let my bestfriend die," another tear rolled down his face.

"Josh, Josh no, ple-," Tyler was cut off.

"Seems like we made our chose," the man says as he raises up the gun.

"Tyler, I love y-," the sound of a bullet interupted him, never finished as Josh dropped on the floor dead.

Tears started to ball down Tyler's face when his mind clicked. He stood up and kicked the man onto the floor. Tyler kicked him over and over again as  he got his hands free, grabbed the gun and shot the man in the head, leading death immediately.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, WHY WOULD YOU KILL JOSH, MY BESTFRIEND," Tyler screamed in broken words as he tooked the gun and aimed towards his head. "No, no, no, no, this can't be happening."

Balling out crying, screaming, Tyler wakes up from such a horrific nightmare. Josh and crew mates rushed over to Tyler crying and screaming still as in his dream. He doesnt realize what happened was not true, trying taking a security guards gun and aimed towards his head as before. Josh punches the gun out his hand, smacks Tyler and pulled him into his arms for a big hug, starting to cry with Tyler.

"Tyler what happened," his voice cracks into tears.

"I-I-I thought you were dead..." Tyler whimpers.

"No buddy, I'm right here with you, I'm still here, I dont know where you got that from. Just whatever you did and was thinking right now, don't do again please..." Josh hugs him tighter, as a crowd of guards and crew members form around them unaware of what happened.

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