Blurry (7)

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tylers p.o.v

Josh just pulled out of the parking lot, I wonder where he was going to go for the next 45 minutes. I felt butterflies go to my stomach as I thought of him gone. I've been so rough on him lately, he is just trying to help. My train of thought broke as the sound of a ladies voice echoed through my head saying "Tyler Joseph?" My stomach turned even more as the lady directed me to Dr. Watson's office. She smiled at me and closed the door. It felt like I was just sent to the principles office at school.

"Sorry I'm late. The traffic was bad," stuttering with nervousness in my voice.

"Don't worry about that Tyler, it's your first day, it's alright. I'm Dr. Watson." He reassured me. "Now if you ever feel lonely, depressed, anxiety acting up, trouble sleeping, all of that nonsense, you can come talk to me. We will be meeting every 2 weeks, whenever you're available."

I nodded to show I was followoing along.

"I've heard you have been acting different lately, not being yourself. When did this start?"

"I'm guessing a few weeks ago," I played with my thumbs, he could tell I was terrified. (a/n dont)

"What happened a few weeks ago Tyler?"

I was hoping I would never have to talk about this ever again. I scratched my neck. I took a breath as if it were my last one and told her about everything.

"I thought he was gone, died right infront of me, what does this mean?" I ended trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that Tyler, but just because you had that dream doesnt mean it will happen, it most likely has some kind of meaning to it.," she kepy rambling on and on. I didn't come here for a lecture, shes lucky I came at all. I apparently start to zone out when she waves her hand infront of my face saying "Tyler are you paying attention?"

"Uh.. yea sorry I just drifted off for a moment," I said putting my head down.

"Well I have another appointment about to start, so I'll see you next week?"

I nodded and walked out the door. I figured Josh wasnt back yet since it was less then 45 minutes. I was pretty bored and didnt feel like going home at the moment so I walked outside and headed down the sidewalk. I still had another 20 minutes before Josh had to come so I'll just text him to get me to wherever I end up at. I wasnt in Columbus, where I have been my whole life. I was in Bexley, a city nearby. I didn't know much about this small surban city. I then walked up to this elementary school, school ended at 3:30 and it was nearly 5, I guess it was the aftercare students. They were on the playground. I didnt walk that far so I don't look like some creepy pervert. I saw some boys playing football, some girls sitting at a table laughing, some little ones playing tag and sliding down the slides. I smiled, it brought me back to when I was little, the good ol' days. (a/n dont u dare)

Then all of a sudden my smile dropped to a frown. I think I needed to sit down so I walked over to this bus stop bench and sat there. A few minutes later I was there again, back in that basement. A gun to my head.

"What the... why am I here again?" I looked down and I see the blood all over my clothes with my finger on the trigger. I throw the gun very confused when I heard someone talk to me. He didn't have a normal voice, it was very deep, almost fictional like.

"Just do it Tyler," it said to me with a chuckle.

"Do what?" I spoke looking around to see who was talking to me.

"Go get the gun and pull the trigger to your head."

I started to cry again, what kind of nightmare is happening?

"Who the fuck are you and how do you know who I am."

"I'm you, you little bitch." He spoke as he walked up to me. He looked just like me, but his eyes were bloodshot red. I stood face to face with him as the setting around us disappeared, and all I could see were those eyes staring right into mine.

 I stood face to face with him as the setting around us disappeared, and all I could see were those eyes staring right into mine

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I didn't know what to say, all I can feel is the tears rolling down on my face.

"Fine since you can't end your pitty life, I'll do it for you," he then spoke to me as he picked up the gun next to his feet.  He put the gun right on my forehead. He smiled and put his finger on the trigger. "NO!" I screamed at him. He threw the gun down and started shaking me, back and forth. Screaming at me as I screamed back. I close my eyes and then the screaming stopped. I opened my eyes and it was nearly dark. This man was shaking me, trying to wake me up.

"Sir are you okay?" he asked. I ignored him

I was back at the bus stop and people were staring at me, teachers bringing the kids inside, I got up and ran. I didn't know where but somewhere. I look at my phone and all i can see is

Message from Josh 💙: Tyler where the fuck are you?????

Message from Josh 💙: If youre playing a game with me please stop I'm worried sick, your therapist said your appointment ended early.

7 missed calls from Josh 💙

4 missed calls from Mark💩

I have so many missed calls and unread messages. I was scared, I texted Josh.

You: Josh please come get me, i dont know what just happened please come pick me up, near the library in Belexy, i dont know what to do anymore someone just tried to kill me.

Josh💙: SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL YOU?! Im on my way stay where you are, do I need to call the police?"

You: no dont just come i need you.

No response. It was about 6 o'clock. I found a bench and just sat there in the cold. Who knew it would be so cold in October?

About 15 minutes later Josh pulled up and ran out the car and hugged me.

"What the hell happened?" He cried.

Everything started to seem blurry. "Me, gun, red eyes.." my words began to slur when all of a sudden I fall. I feel nauseous, Josh caught me and called 911. Then I blackout.

ayeee chapter 7 sorry i took so long again :p but this story is going places so dont give up on it cuz im oretty sure like 20-30 ppl already didd

thanks for 321 reads!! chapter 8 soon

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