Nightmare (18)

88 3 7

third person p.o.v
trigger warnings: violence.

"Whe-where am I?" Josh broke his words. "Tyler... he thought. TYLER WHERE ARE Y-," knocked out before able to finish his sentence.

Josh had never seemed so worried in such few words before, he had no idea what was even happening. It was dark, quiet, all he heard was himself and footsteps on the floor. He forgot how to even think, how to react, he was lost. He was confused...

"Joshua." Josh heard someone whisper, but with such intensity. It kept repeading in his mind, it was familar but at the same time not recognizable at all.

Questions kept running through his mind not knowing where to start when he felt a kick on his leg. Josh turned his head, it was Tyler. But he was standing infront of him. Josh realized he had been tied onto a chair, he wanted to get up and hug Tyler, but he got a strange feeling in his stomach, a feeling of doubt.

"Tyler... I'm so, so sorry, I-" he was interupted with Tyler pressing his finger on his lips. Without saying a word he got on top of Josh and kissed him. But not no ordinary kiss Josh thought. It was special feeling, a kiss that was more passionate then ever before, it felt like as if it were there last kiss ever. Tyler instantly pulled back after a good 20 seconds.

"Josh, you have to listen to me, I know you're confused but you need to be quiet. I dont know when he is coming back."

"When, when whos coming back..?" Josh asked with a bit of doubt and concern.

"Blur- Just forget about it. [slight pause] Just know that if anything happens... I'm sorry, I just want you to know-" Tyler stopped, as if he didnt want to.

"Know what?!" Josh was getting a bit tense, mixed with fear.

Tyler didn't respond, he turned around and started smacking himself repeatedly saying "no stop please leave me, leave him alone" every time got louder and louder until it sounded like the cry of murder. Josh was getting afraid, he had no idea what was going on with Tyler, he had a feeling that he needed to save him, them, and get out soon. He started to try to loosen the ropes keeping his tied when he noticed an unusal eerie silence.

Josh then looked up to see Tyler walking closer and closer. Once he got close enough to his face he realized something. Tyler always had brown eyes. So why are they red..? Tyler began to stroke Josh's face, Josh noticed that Tyler's hands were pitch black, like a tattoo, as well as his neck, and seemed like it creeped down through his body besided his face. Josh then was terrified, his brain was telling him he wasnt safe and he need to leave, but something was telling him he needs to save the love of his life.

A few seconds later Tyler screams at the top of his lungs right into Josh's face as if it went into his soul "HELP ME JOSH I CANT CONTROL HIM ANYMORE" Tyler slapped himself in the face "Don't listen to this bitch, you couldnt care less about Tyler, huh Josh?"

Josh was more confused and afraid then ever. Then in a blink of an eye Tyler was arguing with himself, but like it really were two different people. He was crying at one moment then evily laughing in another. It got silent again when Tyler fell to the ground. "TYLER."

"shut up." And Josh did.

"I do not have all day here as the police or anybody can be searching for the two of you, so I am going to make this simple and easy. See this gun right here? Ha, well you are going to have to decide who I am going to kill with it."

Instantly Josh's mind froze, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know what  to say, or even say anything at all. Two? Who is this person in Tyler's head? Bc at this point, Josh knew this wasn't the Tyler everyone knows and loves.

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