Stay Alive (20/Finale)

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beep beep beep beep...

I opened my eyes to the familiar, continuous beeping sound. I adjust my eyes and I see that the beep is coming from the heart monitor next to me. My vision is blurry and my hearing is muffled, but I hear talking behind a certain closed next to mine. It finally came to my senses that I was in a hospital. I look down and I see bruises and cuts all over me, I put my hands on my face and feel the busted lip and broken nose. I overhear the conversation going on on the other side of my curtain.

"Both have been unconscious ever since, but no signs of a coma. They have been beaten up pretty hard, probably just out cold. They could wake up soon though, so keep an eye out." I heard, I'm guessing a nurse or doctor said to another."

She mentioned when "both", am I one of the both? Who is the other, last time I checked I was locked up in the crazy house. All of a sudden a lady walks up to me.

"Mr. Joseph is awake doctor!" a lady with blonde hair and bright blue eyes says as she sees me awake. She looked very familiar, but I knew exactly who it was when she got closer.

"Jenna??" I said confused, but excited to her.

"Why yes, I'm Jenna, I'm also your nurse Mr. Joseph. How'd you know my first name." She said as she pointed to her nametag which prints out "Black" on it, I'm guessing it was her last name.

"What do you mean? You were my nurse when I was hospitalized last year, and then there was the party, and our little make out session, etc, etc."

Jenna laughed, "What are you talking about? We just met, I don't recall any of that. You are probably just loopy from the painkillers we had given you. But since I'm here and your here, I guess we can talk for a bit before Doctor. Martinez comes back."

I was so confused, how does she not remember? Does she recognize who I am? Am I dreaming right now?"

T: "Pinch me"
J: "Excuse me?"
T: "I can't tell whether I'm dreaming or not."
J: "How come", she laughed.
T: "Because how can you not remember everything that had happened Jenna?"
J: "Tyler, I'm sorry but I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I just started working as a nurse here, so there's no way that could've happened."

None of this made sense to me.

T: Well, can you explain what happened, I can't remember anything.
J: Well you are very bruised up, a few cuts, busted lip, fractured skull, broken nose, you were beaten up pretty badly. I don't know the full story, the police have that information at the moment. But you aren't as bad as your friend over there."

I cut her off immediately.
T: What friend?

Jenna walked up and grabbed a clipboard, "Joshua Dun."  she read out to me.

Instantly my mind started going everywhere, full of questions, curiosity, confusion.

T: "How is that possible? What's the date today?"

"January 14th, 2015"

I was speechless, I couldn't even comprehend the situation. But then it hit me, was I dreaming? I didn't want to seem out of it, so I just went with it.

"What happened to Josh?"

"Well he was shot in the leg, nothing too damaging though, but again like you, bruises, cuts."

Then I hear someone, not just any someone, that voice I wanted to hear this whole time.

"Where Am I?"

"Guess Josh is awake now! I'll go get the doctor"

"Can you open the curtain, so I can talk to him please?"

"Of course." She opened the curtain, then it was just us two.


"Tyler dude, slow down. What the hell are you going on about."

"Was it really all a dream?"

"Must've because I have no idea who you are talking about, if you killed me, how am I here talking to you?"

"I dont know dude, what happened to us?"

"We were in this creepy ass abandoned barn thing, tied up, and one of us were supposed to die. He shot me, but then you got up and beat the shit out of him and called the police. Now we are here"

That sounded exactly like the dream that I had in my dream. This shit is way more confusing to me now. So the dream I supposedly had in the beginning of all this mess was real in a way, but when I woke up in that dream, that is when I really started dreaming. (n/a ik its really fucking confusing lmao if u have questions just comment or dm me)

"Tyler you okay? How many painkillers did they put you on, you seem completely out of it."

"Josh it is a really long, confusing ass story. But before that, I just want you to know, I love you man. Your my bestfriend, I couldn't stay sane without you in my life. You, this music we create, and the thousands of people outside these walls who listen to that music are my reason to live, without it, who the hell knows where I could be."

Then I told him everything, from beginning, to the end.

May 31st 2016...

Tour starts today and I couldn't be more excited. Josh and I have spent months planning, as well as healing, for this world tour. And the day has finally come here in Cincinnati. My beautiful fiancé is also coming along the tour with us, Jenna. I knew moment I offically laid eyes on her, she meant something to me. Josh is still single, but he seems to enjoy it (sometimes). My crazy dream inspired me to write our lastest album released the 19th, Blurryface. As long as a new single inspired by my time in the nut house, which was accidentally leaked out before release date but that's fine. It's called "Heathens", the song was such a hit that it will also be featured in a new movie! Josh and I made the music video revolve around what my mind felt in that dream. And don't worry, I did get tests, and my brain is in the perfect state. I then get a unexpected hug from behind from Josh.

"Shows about to start, you ready?"

"More ready then I've ever been for anything. What about you?"

"Nervous, but I know this tour will be sick!"

"You got this Josh."

"No, we got this"

And right when he finished that sentence, it was time to go on stage.

"We are twenty øne piløts and so are you, thank you so much for having us, see you next time, peace."

Being on that stage tonight, seeing all those beautiful people coming out to see Josh and I tonight was amazing. I hug Josh, an unexpected one like he had given to me. "I love you so much Josh and I know I've said it way too many times before"

He hugged me back.

"I love you too, but I'm also going to give you these words that you once told me and thousands of people around the world.

You're not alone, and I hope you remember that. Stay Alive."

The End.
yes ik that is very cheesy but it is 4am and i really wanted to get the last chapter done. i know it took me since August last year to finish this because i procrastinate too much, but i worked hard on this story and i hope it brought a great message. and yes ik this chapter kind of went by quick and was sorta confusing but what can i say. Im just a 14 year old freshman, not freaking JK Rowling or John Green. BUT I REALLY HOPE U ENJOYED THIS, LOVE YALL STAY ALIVE |-/

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