Fun (9)

160 7 6

tylers p.o.v

I woke up with a big yawn. Where am I? I had no idea what has happened, the last thing I remember is being in Josh's arms. Josh. Where is he? I went to sit up when I realized I was hooked up to a machine. Was I in the hospital? Shit, I had many questions so I grabbed my phone on the near table and called Josh.

As the phone rang I heard Josh's phone ring across the room. I shinned my flashlight to see Josh sleeping in a chair.

"Josh, wake up!"

He sat up stretching with a big yawn when he noticed I was awake he ran up to me. He hugged me, the feeling of his arms wrapped around me was like nothing else in this world. I loved the touch of his embrace.

"What the hell happened?" I asked him.

"That doesnt matter right now, I just wanna talk, if that's okay with you?"

"Of course."

Josh dragged his chair over here and grabbed my hand. "Tyler, I don't know what I'm feeling. We have been bestfriends for years. I don't want to ruin that, but ever since I held you in my arms. I felt different, but if you don't feel the same way I understand. I just felt I had to tell you."

Those words made my heart beat out of my chest, I feel the same way. Atleast I think I do.

"Josh... can we get out of here and I can show you how I feel." Wow Tyler, you just made this sound like some 50 Shades of Grey shit. Too late to back out now.

Josh smirked at me, "Sure."

He went to go tell the nurse that I'm awake but before he walked out I called him back over by me. I sat up and pulled him closer to me, where our lips connected. Josh thankfully kissed me back. Once we separated we both let out a smirk and Josh went to check me out.

Today will be fun.

It was nearly 8am, perfect. I don't know how this was going to be planned but once we got back to the house Josh fell straight alseep. Which gave me time to plan the day. Here is what I have so far:

11:00- wake Josh up if he is still sleeping with breakfast.
11:30- take shower
12:00- Sector 6
1:00- Picnic in park
2:00- get a cat for josh (ik he will love it im so excited)
2:30- walk around town random things
4:00- take josh to dinner
5:00- movie marathon :)

Today is going to be perfect! What could go wrong?

"Ah Fuck!" I screamed as the grease from the sizzling bacon popped on me. I'm not the best cooker. I was making Josh bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, and some coffee. It was nearly 10 and I hear Josh messing around in his room. "Shit." I said to myself hoping Josh wouldnt walk out here. But of course with my luck he does.

"Hey it smells good in here, whatcha making?" Josh said as he wrapped his arms around me. I blushed and told him whats for breakfast.

trigger warning: smut up ahead ;)

Once we finished eating I told him to hop in the shower, we have a long day ahead of us. I picked up my phone to check twitter and see all the tweets of the clique making sure I was okay. I loved these guys so much.

"Thank you everybody for your concern, but I'm fine. Nothing serious has happened but Josh and I are back home now, the tour is still on. Nothing is changing." And send. Then as always hundreds of retweets, likes, and much more start blowing up. It's amazing how fast these guys can reply to a tweet.

"Tyler," I heard Josh yell, slurring the r's.

"I'm out of shampoo," again slurring the o's.

"Dont wash it then." I yelled back to him.

"I can't let this gorgeous pink look all greasy, bring me some pleeeeease."

I sighed, "Fine."

I knocked on the door and stuck my arm in with the shampoo.

"I can't reach that Tyler, I don't have slenderman arms." Josh said to me.

I covered my eyes and walked in there. He takes the shampoo but before I could start to walk out Josh grabs my hand and pulls me back. He was out of the shower completely naked infront of me. I tried to say something but he shushed me and went to kiss me. Of course I kissed him back, then it got heated real quick. Josh then starts pulling my shirt off and running hus fingers all around my body making moan under my breath. He starts playing with the strings of my pajama pants as he starts to kiss my neck, probably leaving hickies behind. Next thing I know Josh is sliding my pants off revealing my boner through my boxers. He teases me, rubbing his thumb across the top.

"Fuck Josh." He starts to get down on his knees and continue to tease me. I moan, wanting more.

"Tell me what you want." He smirked at me.

"Just suck my dry Josh I can't take this!"

"Oh you're not going to say please," he said as he rubbed his tounge over my slit.

"Josh please," and before I could finish my sentence Josh takes me in his mouth. I moan in pleasure grabbing his hair. He takes me whole making me get closer and closer.

"J-Josh, I'm close." And I pull his hair a little harder of the pleasure making him let out a moan, causing me to come all over his face. He smirked at me grabbing me and bringing me into the shower.

"Your turn Joshy Boy," I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes at the name but leaned back in the shower as I teased him by surprise. I tease him more and more leaving hickies down his happy trail.

"God Tyler please don't tease me."

"But Joshy Boy, you can't tease me and expext to get away with it."

"Tyler come on please, I won't tease you next time."

"You better Joshy," I then take him whole. Hopefully I was doing it right since I had never did it with a guy before. I go up and down making Josh moan loud.

"What's my name Joshy Boy," I teased him with. He just moans in response.

"Come on, say my name."

As he moaned out "Tyler," he came all over me. I get up and we kiss once more.

"Guess this will be a long shower," I said to him."

"But it sure was fun."

lmao is it bad i wrote smut in church? whoops
Heyyy since it took me so long to update heres some smut to apologize. I started school thats why it is taking so long but here it is! chap 10 coming soon ;).

while u r at it you should follow me on twitter: @ frensandnandos
and instagram if u dont already
@ twen1yoneheathens

Have a nice day peeps

ty for 400 reads!

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