Fine (8)

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joshs p.o.v

We pulled up in parking lot and I texted Tyler telling him we are here. 5 minutes later I got no response. So I call him, no answer.

"Mark try calling Tyler incase he is ignorning my calls. I don't know why he would but he isn't answering." I asked him.

No answer again. What the hell? Is he still in his session? "Let's go in and ask where he is."

"Excuse me, I'm here to pick up Tyler Joseph."

"Tyler? He left about 15 minutes ago, his session ended early."

My heart dropped, where the hell could he have gone. Mark and I quickly told the people the situation and left for the car. We went to search around town. I didn't know much about this place but Mark knew a little bit so I let him drive. I was petrified, I started shaking.

"Josh calm down, we are going to find Tyler. He couldn't have went that far."

I just ignored him, he put on music but I refused to listen to it. Mark let out a sigh. I knew he was trying to take my mind off of it but I couldnt. I don't want to say I can't trust Tyler, but on situations like this, I don't know if I can.

About an hour later, I was fast alseep, as I started to wake up I still see that we are driving. Mark, obviously tired like me, looked over to me.

"Did Tyler call?" I asked him following up a yawn.

"No, sorry buddy," Mark sighed.

I was at the verge of tears, about to punch the window open. Then all of a sudden *ding*. I quickly searched for my phone which I'm guessing fell on the floor and turned it on, the brightness hurting my eyes as I did so.

"ITS TYLER," I said with hope in my voice. I read the text and told Mark where he was, thankfully, he knew exactly what he was talking about.

I see Tyler and I quickly get out the car running towards him. I embarce him so tightly just like it was going to be our last. He started to tell me what happened and all of a sudden his words slow down, I almost see his eyes fall back in his head and he starts to fall. I catch him and I see Mark run over, with other people who start to crowd around.

I panicked (a/n dont) I call 911.

"I need you here with an ambulance quick. We are by the library in Belexy, please hurry, i dont know what the hell happened. My friend, he just passed out, please come."

Mark and I put Tyler on the bus bench.

"He is still breathing," Mark tells me after he checked his pulse.

"Can anyone explain to me what the hell happened?" I scream out to the people who apparently were so concerned, when they start to hurry off when we make eye contact.

"Come on, I know somebody can explain this to me," I scream again. Everyone was gone. It was just me, Mark, and Tyler who was laying on the bench still unconcious.

The ambulance finally arrives and I fall to my knees at the sight of Tyler being lifted in there, putting an oxygen mask around his face.

"Tyler will be fine buddy, everythings going to be fine," Mark says helping me up and bringing me into a hug.

"Are you the man I was on the phone with?" some lady comes and says to me.

"Uhh yes, I'm Josh, I'm Tylers bestfr-, boyfriend," I stuttered to her. Did I really just say that?

"Okay Josh, well we are about to go off to the hospital. You can come in the back if you please. We only have room for one."

"Okay," I look over to Mark. He nodds going towards the car.
They close the ambulance doors on me and Tyler. I go over to him and grab his hand.

"It's all going to be fine Ty." I then lean and kiss him, knowing he wasn't going to kiss back.

"Everythings going to be fine."

sorry this chapter was pretty short, but chapter 8 boom is here k thanks bye chapter 9 is soob ;)))

ok school started thats why it is taking so long to update I apologize in advance

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