Nurse (12)

120 5 1

tylers p.o.v

It's Wendsday now and that means it's been half a week in this minature hell hole. But that also means another 4 days to go. Time sure goes by slow in this place; minutes feels like hours, hours feels like days, days feel like weeks. I have barley gotten any sleep as the first 3 nights I have had small panic attacks, but just quiet enough to where no one can hear. Now I'm just used to being up all the time at night, and during the day I am either seeing a therapist or being watch which gave me the creeps. There isnt that much to do here either, they take everything that can be used to harm myself, I begged my nurse to let me have a crayon, pencil, something to let me write in my notebook, but no one here seems to trust me. But today I gotten assigned a new nurse. I haven't met her yet but her name is Jenna.

She is suspost to come meet me around 5:00 which is surprising 4:45, time seemed to progress a little quicker as the days go on. I hope she is nice and not a huge bitch like my last one. Hopefully she wont be eyeing me all night, I haven't buffed my banana in forever, he is getting lonley down there.

I tend to start to talk to myself more, that makes me sound even more crazy then I already am. But really I just say my thoughts outloud, does that count? It helps me clarify my thinking and interupt the silence that surronds me. Like right now, I am talking to myself. I hope this doesn't become a habit of mine, nor gets me more days in here.

"Mr. Joseph?" I heard a ladies voice quietly say with a knock on the door. I turned my head to see a blonde lady with bright blue eyes.

"I'm Mrs. Black. You can call me Jenna if you'd like. I'm you're new nurse, I'm sure they mentioned me coming in." I nodded my head to show I was listening to her.

"I guess you don't talk much huh?" she sarcasmly asked me. I shrugged.

"Well I don't want you to be miserable here, I bet it's a hard time being here and so I want to atleast brighten the mood a bit. Here, I snuck you a muffin from the front desk. Hope you like chocolate chip," Jenna smiled at me.

I smiled to her back taking the muffin and letting out a quiet "Thank you," since I didn't want to be rude.

"You're definitely welcome Tyler. Now I want to get to know you better, and I guess you can get to know me as well. So let's play a Question and Answer game," Jenna suggested. "Sure," I replied, getting more confident to speak. "Okay, I'll ask a question, you answer, then you do the same to me."

(at this part Im gonna put a T for ty and J for jen cuz im lazy)

J: What's your favorite food?
T: Taco Bell, if that counts *i giggled in embarrassment*

T: Um, do you have any kids?
J: Not yet, one day.

J: What do you like to do?
T: Write songs, help others, inspire and meet the clique.

J: What's the clique?
T: Hey isnt it my turn.
J: Shh whatever.

T: Well the clique is my fanbase, I'm in a band with my boyfriend Josh, but our relationship isn't necessarily opened yet so dont say anything. It's called twenty øne piløts. Spelled out. Sometime in 2013, we are releasing an album called Vessel. We arn't that popular, but maybe one day, our songs will never be on the radio.

J: Damn, I'll have to check y'all out? What kind of music?
T: Uhh, I don't really know. I like to call it: piano-ukulele-singing-screaming-rap-boy.

J: Intresting I'll listen to one of your songs to see if I'm impressed.

T: *I laughed* Well here's a question. Why are you being so nice to me.

Jenna stayed quiet for a few seconds when she finally spoke out some words.

J: Because a few years ago, I was in the same position you are in right now. Stuck in a hospital room, people guarding me, nothing to do, no one to see or talk to. I was miserable and I took this job as a suicide watch nurse to make sure no boy or girl or whomever is in the same place, or felt the same way as I did. I want to help you Tyler, and other people. I want to hers your story.
(back to regular writting)
I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do. I felt so appreciative to think someone cared so much. I took a deep breath and told her everything, literally. She helped me out, but once it was 8:00 it was time for her to see someone else. She told me to get some sleep because I looked exhausted. And I did, she even snuck me a pencil because she trusted me. Because of her I don't feel as miserable.

ayyyyeeee im back sorry i had school but it's here, dont give up on me im doing my best lmao but goodnight clique |-/

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