That Boy (16)

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Joshs p.o.v

I can't tell if I made a big mistake. I've been staying at Brendon's house the past 2 days I've been gone, I was expecting Tyler to call or text me like he usually would, but I haven't heard a single word. I check my phone every minute to see if his name pops up on my screen, it never does. I get more worried and worried every time I check, shit, I even threw up at least 3 times already thinking about it. I mean, this is all my fault, I did leave Tyler in the state of mind he is in and I feel the guilty vomit come back. Brendon keeps knocking on the door to see if I'm okay, I  told him I just feel sick. But I am sick, homesick, I can't stay here anymore, I need Tyler, I need to know if he is okay.


Tylers p.o.v

2 days. 2 fucking days. I haven't ate. I haven't slept. I haven't opened my mouth to say a word. 2 days since I felt I lost my mind, I feel like I have gone mad. The only thing I have with me is water and antidepressant's. I don't know where I am anymore, once I left the house I kept walking, I didn't stop. I took little rest now and then to sit and take a pill but that's about it. I don't recognize the buildings around me, the people, or even my name. It's Tyler, I'm pretty sure, but am I really Tyler anymore, did this thing in my mind take over the rest of me. It is freezing outside, sometimes it even looks as if my hands were turning black. Who even am I anymore? Who is my family, who are my friends? I cant remember anything, just Tyler. My name seems to stick in my mind and every time I think about it, it seems to get stranger, as if it weren't really my name. If that all made sense.

What time is it? It seems pretty dark out. I'm no longer in the city and I hardly see people walk past anymore, or cars drive down the road. But my legs can't take it, they feel like glass and that there's a needle sticking through my knees and toes. I'm going to go down soon, so finding a place to stay the night sounds like a good idea, hopefully. Down the road there seems to be an old barn looking building. It seems empty so I guess that will be my home now. Because without that boy, whoever he was, wherever I used to be isn't home. Nothing is the same anymore without that boy.


Josh's p.o.v

He isn't here. Where the fuck is he? He could be anywhere now. I made a huge mistake. His cellphone is here, the note is on the table, and there is a dent on the wall. I drop to my knees, all of the guilt I tried to hold in is coming back, my eyes burst into tears, they don't stop. I throw up again, I cant keep it together. I need that boy, I need Tyler.

After about an hour, I clean up and get myself together. I call Mark, Brendon, a few other people, and even that nurse, Jenna. Once they got here I tell them, and a search party is made. I don't tell them the full story, hell, even if I tried I'd end up in tears.

We hit the streets, put up signs everywhere, even the police is now involved. I know the clique is worried sick now, my twitter and Instagram are blowing up 10x more then usual. But they are being supportive, and are helping look as well. And it gives me the confidence that when I run into some of them, they don't fan girl/boy and ask for pictures, etc. They ask about Tyler, see if there are any updates of him or his whereabouts. They all tell me to "stay alive fren" every time we part off, every one of them, like it was planned on social media. But every time I hear those words it just gives me more and more hope that I will see that boy again, my boy, the love I always dreamed of.

Tyler's p.o.v

Its been a week living in this old place, so far no murders and or rapiers came like I lowkey expected. But luckily I found some food/water and an old couch. I still take the antidepressants, but I cant tell if I am getting better, or worse.

I feel fine, but afraid I'm loosing my mind.

The only thing I ever think about is if that boy will come back, looking for me. My mind just cant remember that boys name, is it... Josh?

btw my tøp concert was last night (3.2.17) and it was fucking amazing holy shit. but goodnight my frens, stay alive.

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